Moving Beyond Church

Moving Beyond Church

Is being a people with Jesus at the center, traveling wherever Jesus takes us.

Is trusting that God is active in the world.

Is meeting others in their context. 

This bulletin is designed to help you navigate your way on a Sunday morning at the gathering of the church at Emmanuel. But one of our core values is to live out the example and call of Jesus for his followers to be light in the communities we find ourselves in. This could be the neighborhood you live in, the space that you work in, or beyond.  This page is designed to help you live out your faith as you leave the worship center and return to your world. 

Harbor House Opportunities

Lunch Sign Ups

Harbor House needs lunches. Our April and May signup sheets have lots of openings.  If you can possibly take a day and make 10 lunches, we would be grateful. We ask for 80-100 lunches per day depending on the day, which is a big ask and we know that. We are hoping if all of our volunteers can help a little, we can continue to feed the needy who come to our meal program each day. We are so grateful for those of you out there volunteering with this program and helping to keep our community fed. 

Emmanuel is signed up to bring 80 lunches and will be assembling the lunches after Worship Services on Sunday June 2 and July 21.

Water Donations

If you can, please bring bottled water to our meal program any day between 4:00-4:30 PM. Our location is Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at 1 W. Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks. 


Too strapped for time to make lunches?  Please take a look at our Amazon Wish List which has many items that will help us to make lunches.

Painting With A Purpose

Unleash your inner artist while supporting a noble cause! Every stroke you make contributes to the greater good, with proceeds benefiting Harbor House. Reserve your canvas, support a cause, and create lasting memories with us!


Saturday, June 22, 2024

6:00PM - 8:00PM

$42-$52 per person

Sign up for the Harbor House newsletter at this link!

Discipling Nations Spring 2024 Newsletter

Gary Claasen is our ministry partner working  with  International Students Inc.  Here is an update on all the work he is doing (there are image carousels - multiple images) with each section.

Christ is RISEN!! It’s a joy-filled 2024!

* We launched a new International Student Fellowship (ISF) with students at Boston’s satellite Northeastern University in downtown San Jose. Thanks to Ark Baptist Church hosting it on Friday nights!

* Our students from Japan shared their food and culture at Japan Night and this month we’re blessing them as three of our closest friends from that community return to their home nation.

* We celebrated Lunar New Year together with hot pot events, dumpling making, and prayer for China, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

* We experienced the festival of Purim as a student from Israel led preparation of Jewish dishes and the story of Esther.

* Students are being discipled, learning instruments at Jam Session, and joining student worship bands. 

* Students are enjoying volleyball and getting to meet wonderful people from churches across the Silicon Valley in a church league. They’re getting GOOD!

* Students from Shanghai and Bogota were baptized on Easter Sunday. We love their courage as they share their new faith with other students!

* Other outings and events - Superbowl watching party, sharing their testimonies at different churches, attending Good Friday Service, taking students to see elephant seals... ISF is international students' family and community away from home! 

Coming soon - please pray?

* Burmese Culture Night in April with prayer for justice for the people of Myanmar

* Inaugural international student ministry trip to Mexico in September focused on home construction, medical clinic, and community development. A team of 15 of us will be led by one of our international students with church and staff mentoring

In His Service,

Terry Yu, ISI Campus Staff
Gary Claassen, ISI SVMB Director

May Manna Drive

Manna of the Conejo Valley is a ministry partner with Emmanuel. They are asking for Manna of the Conejo Valley is a ministry partner with Emmanuel. They are asking for Baking Items: Cookie/Cake Mix, Flour/Sugar. Bring your donation to the church and leave it in the narthex, aka front lobby. 

Bring your donation to the church and leave it in the narthex, aka front lobby. 

You can learn more about Manna at their website

Manna has moved! New address is 95 N. Oakview Drive in Thousand Oaks.

Food pantry hours and donation times remain the same.

Phone number is still 805-497-4959.