Take Home Tech

What is Take Home Tech?

This year, you can borrow technology from the library - checking out items just as you would borrow a book.  Materials are RFID tagged and become associated with your library account.  Borrow technologies to ramp up a classroom project, to learn and practice coding, for extra-curricular competitions, or for personal hobbies.  This page details what technologies are available and connects you to intro learning resources for each system.  Earn a micro-credential on any of these tools by demonstrating your project and process.


Make game controllers, instruments, interactive diagrams, posters, or timelines with this conductive tool.  Amp up presentations even more with original code in Scratch or MakeCode Arcade.

Retro Arcade

Retro Arcade allows users to download games they build in MakeCode Arcade and play them on a portable device.  Compatible with Legos, this product has a crisp Apple vibe.


BrainPad is another way to physically interact with arcade games that users code online with a Radio Shack vibe.  The hand-held game controller makes it possible to play a game you make in the palm of your hand.


The Micro:Bit is a micro-computer that can sense, measure, & log light, temperature, sound, movement, & magnetism. It is equipped with LEDs, buttons, radios, and the ability to connect to simple and complex circuits.  Practice wiring and code in Tinkercad, MakeCode, or Python.

Micro:Bit Expansion Board

This Elecfreaks Expansion Board takes a Micro:Bit to the next level.  By connecting a Micro:Bit, users have the power to attach servo and motor drivers.  Want to make a robot, a ferris wheel, or a catapult?  This Lego compatible board is for you!


Arduino boards read inputs - light sensors, buttons, or online content -  and turns that into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.  Easily connected to an attached breadboard, Arduino can connect to a myriad of inputs and outputs and is used by professional artists and scientists.

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is tiny computer with its own operating system.  Connect it to a mouse, keyboard, and monitor for a fully functioning computer.  With 40 GPIO pins, the Pi can be wired to be a media player, an arcade, a security camera, a digital display, or more!

Raspberry Pi Sense Hat

The Sense HAT is an add-on board that gives Raspberry Pi sensors that can monitor pressure, humidity, temperature, color, orientation, and movement. The 8×8 RGB LED matrix allows you to visualize data from the sensors, and the five-button joystick lets users interact with projects.

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