Senior Beta
Looking for the Beta Club Application?
12/1 Meeting
Senior Beta Convention is January 17-19
Visual Arts Expectation
Academic Event Expectations
Group Competition Organization & Plan
11/27 Email and Remind Message
Senior Beta Convention is January 17-19
Total cost for registration, two nights at hotel, and transportation is $140
If you do not plan to attend convention, registration alone is $30
You must be registered to compete in at least one event to attend convention.
To secure your competition/event for the conference, $30 is due this Thursday November 30.
The remaining $110 is due no later than December 10.
Permission Slips with all convention details are in the library. Come pick one up soon!
You are welcome to pay for convention in full at one time if you prefer.
Please complete this form so to communicate your intentions:
11/3 Meeting
Join the Senior Beta Remind by texting @sr-beta to 81010.
Service Sign Ups
Henry County Roadside Clean-Up
This year's state convention is January 17-19 in Lexington, KY.
Sign up to declare which competitions you are most interested in. This does not guarantee you a spot for that competition.
At this time, we estimate Convention will cost between $125-175. This includes registration, hotel, and transportation. Food is not included. We will have a firm price nailed down before Thanksgiving and will collect payment before the winter break.
10/6 Meeting
2023-24 Senior Beta Officers
President – Bella Coffee
Vice President – Emma Huber-Preher
Secretary – Yarely Zetina Hernandez
Treasurer – Rachel Lynn
Join the Senior Beta Remind by texting @sr-beta to 81010.
Service Sign Ups
Fall Festival Booth Auction Basket
Henry County Roadside Clean-Up
Fees & Dues Due Today
31/84 members have not paid.
New Member National Dues $32 & Returning member Annual Fee $15
This year's state convention is January 17-19 in Lexington, KY.
Sign up to declare which competions you are most interesed in. This does not guarantee you a spot for that competition.
Week of 10/2 Communication
Email 10/4
Join the Senior Beta Remind by texting @sr-beta to 81010. We will meet as a club during school this Friday, 10/6. Please listen for announcements.
Email 10/3
Remember that Senior Beta Dues are due this Friday, 10/6. You have not yet paid either your initial member dues ($32) or returning member dues ($15). Of the 84 students on the Senior Beta roster, only 25 have turned in due money. If you do not submit dues by this Friday (or seek me out to talk about an extension), I cannot keep you as an active member on the roster. For new members, this means you are rejecting the invitation to join Beta. For returning members, you will not be eligible for convention this spring. I appreciate that you all have busy lives and hope to see you soon!
Email 9/28
Please join me in congratulating your newly elected Senior Beta Officers!
President – Bella Coffee
Vice President – Emma Huber-Preher
Secretary – Yarely Zetina Hernandez
Treasurer – Rachel Lynn
Congratulations to all candidates and thank you for your willing service!
Week of 9/26 Communication
Email 9/25
Please refer to the revised and current Sr Beta candidate list below:
President & Vice-President Candidates
DaYou Choi
Bella Coffee
Emma Huber Preher
Austin Landers
Caitlyn Lokits
Valarie Ortega
Clara Reynolds
Avin Young
Secretary & Treasurer Candidates
Adelaide Dennis
Emory Lobino
Caitlyn Lokits
Rachel Lynn
Ada Smolinski
Adriana Vaughn
Yarely Zetina Hernandez
Remember to bring in dues this week. $32 for new members; $15 for returning members.
9/22 Meeting
Welcome and Recognitions
Attendance and Officer Nominations
2023-24 Officer Update: Nominations confirmed and shared the week of 9/25 for campaigning. Vote by email on Thursday September 28.
Fall Festival - Booth & Auction Basket
Henry County Roadside Clean-Up
This year's state convention is January 17-19 in Lexington, KY.
Start to explore the National Beta's Club's Handbook for competitions you want to enter. Signing up for specific competitions will be the topic of our next meeting.
Fees & Dues
New Member National Dues $32.
Returning member Annual Fee $15. These funds help our club support senior regalia and other Beta expenses.
Please pay all dues and fees by 9/28. Bring cash or check to the library to Ms. Gilbert or Ms. Waddell
Thank you to our 2022-23 Beta Officers:
DaYoung Choi
Sydney Dennis
Rachel Lynn
Bella Coffee
Congratulations to the following students for representing our school at the National Beta Convention this past summer!
Biomedical Health Science - Caitlyn Lokits
Marketing and Communication Team
Rachel Lynn
Emma Huber-Preher
DaYoung Choi
Bryonna Masic
Savanna Flowers
Onsite Painting - Anthony Wayman (invited, but couldn't compete due to GSA schedule conflicts)
Recyclable Art - Truman Gilbert
Robotics Showcase Team
Adelaide Dennis
Maddy Berong
Ada Smolinski
Austin Landers
Caitlyn Lokits
DaYou Choi
Welcome New Members!
Archived Announcements
New applicants and ALL interested freshman must complete the application below by September 14, 2023. This is a firm deadline.
Returning Senior Beta Members
If you were a member of Sr. Beta last year, you do not need to apply again.
If you were a member of Jr. Beta last year, you must complete a new application. Sr. Beta is a separate club; membership in Jr. Beta does not automatically enroll students in Sr. Beta.
Please pay attention to announcement for our first meeting on club day.
Plan for these fall service opportunities: Details forthcoming
October - EIS Fall Festival Booth Workers
November - Henry County Roadside Trash Pick Up
December - Winter Bazaar Item Prep & Salvation Army Bell Ringing
This year's state convention is January 17-19 in Lexington, KY.
Plan to pay a returning member annual fee of $15. These funds help our club support senior regalia and other Beta expenses.