April 1, 2021 6:30-8:00

The Future of Criminal Justice Education

A webinar Discussing how to confront systemic racism in criminal justice education and imagine its anti-racist futures.

In the wake of calls for criminal justice reform and abolition, many criminologists are confronting the complicity of the field in addressing systemic racism (among other issues) and its role in supporting law enforcement and the carceral state. This webinar will discuss how we, as educators, can use the classroom and our programs to better confront these issues and whether we should continue to offer majors such as ours.

The Speakers

Dr. Carrie Buist


Grand Valley State

Dr. Marilyn Corsianos

(she/her/hers or they/them/their)

Eastern Michigan University

Prof. Michael Mitchell


The College of New Jersey

Dr. Rita Shah


Eastern Michigan University

Dr. Allyn Walker


Old Dominion University

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