
Our core business is to support our partners in the successful implementation of developmental projects

We use evidence-based approaches to support our partners with four client focused services.

  1. Third Party Monitoring (TPM) of Projects

Unsure of what you are getting from your implementing partners? Hire us to verify independently.

We are a third-party contractor that collects and verify monitoring data on behalf of our clients. We work with large corporations and donor agencies that invest huge sums of dollars in projects and would like to monitor data independent of their collaborating or implementing partners.

2. Project Assessments and Evaluations

Is project outcomes of your interest? We can help you harvest results from your interventions.

We assist companies and international development organizations to assess and evaluate their projects, programs and products. This service includes baseline studies, midline studies, endline, end-of-project assessments, formative assessments, market research for commercial products, gender studies, revenue analysis and financial modelling.

3. Collaboration, Knowledge Management and Learning

In need of Impactful Capacity development?

We collaborate with international development organizations to train and capacity-build their project target audiences such as SMEs, cooperative groups, women and youths with specialised services such as business growth and evidence-based project implementation strategies.

4. Project Implementation

Innovative and evidence-based implementation of projects

We offer co-creation services for designing new interventions, we implement the interventions on behalf of clients and manage programs as assigned. Our interest in this work is to support the implementation of youth and women-related intentions that focus on agriculture, MSME growth, financial inclusion, digital economy, climate finance and off-grid energy

Modern service

Individualized solutions

Economic development

Mineral resources