Establishing Presence Online

In this Section:

  • Video: What is instructor presence?

  • Video: Fostering instructor presence in an online environment

  • Video: Practical tips on reaching out to your class

Establishing presence online


What is instructor presence? (5:14)

One of the most important aspects of teaching is being there for your students. In this short video, April Lawrence (SOE), Ali Blankinship (Mason SOB), and STLI's own Katalin Wargo explore some key aspects to the concept of instructor presence.

Fostering instructor presence in an online environment (5:29)

Being present in the classroom and during your office hours is an easy concept to grasp, but how do you incorporate presence in an online environment? Is it enough to just be there during Zoom class sessions? Are there other techniques to bring instructor presence into your asynchronous resources? Join April Lawrence, Ali Blankinship, and Katalin Wargo for ideas.

Practical tips on reaching out to your class (5:36)

In this third video on instructor presence, Ali Blankinship, April Lawrence, and Katalin Wargo explore some practical tips on how you can communicate with your classes in ways that help strengthen the teacher-student connection.

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Still have questions? Contact STLI at or email one of our Learning Consultants to schedule a conversation.

Adam Barger
Mike Blum
Katalin Wargo
Pablo Yañez