Contextualization of Campus Landmarks and Iconography

De-Immortalizing William & Mary


What Is CCL&I?

We are a committee of undergraduate students housed under Student Assembly. We are committed to conducting thorough research, communicating through clear writing, citing primary sources, and presenting campus community members with the historical context they need to understand buildings, statues, monuments, and gardens on William & Mary's campus.


Blair Hall

The 3 story building located on James Blair Dr. is named after the founder and first president of the College of William & Mary.

Blair Statue

The first president and founder of William and Mary, James Blair overlooks the Sunken Gardens in between Blair and Chancellors Halls

Ewell Hall

The home of the Music Department and Arts & Sciences is named after Confederate general Benjamin Stoddert Ewell. 

Jefferson Hall

Named after Thomas Jefferson, former President, William and Mary alum, and Virginia slaveowner, Jefferson Hall has been a student dorm since 1921.

Jefferson Statue

Statue gifted to William & Mary by University of Virginia in 1992. Stands between Washington Hall and McGlothlin-Street Hall.

Monroe Statue

Fifth president, William & Mary alumni, and slave owner, James Monroe, stands commemorated outside of Tucker Hall.

President's House

The President's House constructed in 1732 serves as the residence of William & Mary college presidents.

Reves Hall & Center

Reves Center and Reves Hall named after philanthropist, socialite, and campus celebrity, Wendy Reves.

Small Hall

Houses the department of Physics and is located in William & Mary's "New Campus"

Tyler Garden

The Tyler Garden is beside James Blair Hall. It honors three of the Tylers who attended the College of William and Mary.

Botetourt Statue(s)

Located in Wren Courtyard and Swem Library Basement, the Botetourt statues commemorates a Goveror of the Virginia Colony.