What is the purpose of contextualization?

The purpose of Contextualization is to research the buildings and landmarks on campus in order to provide the public with a full and unbiased history of these figures.

What are the goals of this committee?

The goals of this committee are to contextualize all the landmarks and iconography on the campus of William and Mary, and make that information easily accessible to the William and Mary community as well as the general public.

How was this committee founded?

This committee was founded by W&M undergraduate Shane Moran in the spring of 2020.

How is this committee associated with W&M?

CCL&I is housed under Student Assembly as part of The Plan, a five-committee effort to reconcile racism and the history of slavery at the College. We work closely with the Lemon Project and the Spotswood Society, though we are not directly tied to either organization.

How can I help?

Fill out this form to join our committee or just spread the word about our work!