Labmate Honors  指導學生獲獎

🏆 Awards to Chiang Labmates 指導學生獲獎  👉🏻 click for details 👉🏻 獲獎名單展開

👉🏻指導碩士生蔡奕昕榮獲 🏆第50屆營養年會暨學術研討會研究生論文口頭競賽優等獎
👉🏻指導碩士生江品毅榮獲 🏆  Intl symposium on Future Perspectives for the Development of the Precision Health Food 精準保健食品未來發展前景國際研討會 英語演講比賽第三名
👉🏻指導博士後蘇雅麗 🏆, 博士生彭建豪, 蘇札🏆🏆 榮獲 台灣保健食品學會保健食品機能素材開發研究獎 優勝
👉🏻 指導博士後蘇雅麗 🏆, 博士生彭建豪, 黃羽萱🏆🏆,  碩士生賴毓智🏆, 大學專題生梁孟群, 曾子云, 黃弘惟🏆🏆🏆  榮獲  2023 第二十屆國家新創獎
👉🏻指導學生參加 2023 International Society of Biocatalysis & Agricultural Biotechnology 國際生物催化及生技研討會獲得 10項榮譽:  

(1)英語演講競賽優勝 (博)  PhD Oral Competition🏆 Honorable Award 彭建豪 

(2) 英語演講競賽 (博)  PhD Oral Competition🏆 Selected Award Suza 蘇札

(3) 英語海報競賽金牌 (博) PhD Poster Competition🏆 Gold Medal Award Suza 蘇札

(4) 英語演講競賽入選 (碩) MS Oral Competition🏆 Selected Award王舒蓉

(5) 英語演講競賽入選(碩)  MS Oral Competition🏆 Selected Award 陳宇嵐

(6) 英語演講競賽入選(碩)  MS Oral Competition🏆 Selected Award 張菱真

(7) 海報 (碩) 銅牌 MS Poster Competition🏆 Bronze Medal Award 蔡孟佑

(8) 海報 (碩) 優勝 MS Poster Competition 🏆 Honorable Award 江品毅

(9) 海報(大)優勝 MS Poster Competition 🏆 Honorable Award 盧佳齊

(10)海報 (碩) 裁判獎 MS Poster Competition🏆 Judge’s  Award 蔡奕昕

👉🏻指導國際農業學程 博班生 蘇札🏆 參加興大農資院英語口說競賽 NCHU CANR 2023 English Oral Presentation Competition  榮獲第三名
👉🏻 指導食生系碩班生 江品毅 🏆 參加興大農資院英語口說競賽 NCHU CANR 2023 English Oral Presentation Competition 榮獲佳作 Honorable Mention

指導食生系碩班生陳宇嵐🏆  參加台灣營養學會第49屆年會論文壁報競賽優等獎 

指導食生系蘇雅麗 🏆博士 參加 中榮暨中區各大學計劃成果發表會海報競賽第二名

指導碩士班 劉峻佑 🏆參加 4th Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics Nutrigenetics Organization (APNNO)  Biennial Conference.. 第四屆亞太地區營養基因組學和營養遺傳學學會 (APPNO) 雙年會 榮獲 優秀海報獎  EXCELLENT POSTER AWARD
指導  蘇雅麗 博士🏆 參加 4th Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics Nutrigenetics Organization (APNNO)  Biennial Conference. 第四屆亞太地區營養基因組學和營養遺傳學學會 (APPNO) 雙年會 榮獲 優秀海報獎  EXCELLENT POSTER AWARD
指導食生系碩士班 孫意佩 🏆參加 2022 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare 臺灣表基因體學研討會及生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會  榮獲英語口說競賽第三名  (The Third Place Award)

  2022 Dec

指導食生系碩士班 蔡弘毅 🏆參加 2022 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare 國際學術研討會, 榮獲英語口說競賽佳作  (Honorable Mention)


指導微生物基因體 博班彭建 🏆豪參加 2022 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare 國際學術研討會, 榮獲生物科技組海報競賽  第一名 (The First Place Award)  

指導食生系碩士班 陳宇嵐 🏆 參加 2022 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare 國際學術研討會, 榮獲生物科技組海報競賽  第二名 (The Second Place Award)  2022 Dec

指導食生系碩士班 王舒蓉🏆  參加 2022 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare 國際學術研討會, 榮獲生物科技組海報競賽  佳作  (Honorable Mention)  2022 Dec

指導蘇雅麗博士參加 2022 榮興計畫成果海報競賽 榮獲『特優獎』🏆

🏆指導 食生系碩士班  陳怡婷 參加 International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會Oral Competition 榮獲 Bronze Medal 銅牌 🏆
🏆指導 食生系碩士班 劉佳瑩 參加  International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會Oral Competition 榮獲 Excellence Award 優勝🏆
🏆指導 食生系碩士班 張菱真 參加 International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會 Poster Competition 榮獲 Honorable Award 佳作🏆
🏆指導 食生系碩士班 王舒蓉 參加 International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會 Poster Competition 榮獲 Honorable Award 佳作🏆
🏆指導 食生系 蘇雅麗博士 參加 International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會 Poster Competition 榮獲 Honorable Award 佳作🏆
🏆指導 食生系 學士班 黃泓惟 參加 International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB) 國際研討會 Poster Competition 榮獲  Excellence Award 優勝🏆

🏆指導 食生系 學士班  洪千鈞  榮獲 國科會大專生計畫
🏆指導 食生系 學士班  陸智嵥  榮獲 國科會大專生計畫
🏆指導 食生系 學士班  劉永淳  榮獲 國科會大專生計畫
🏆指導 生技學程 學士班  梁孟群 申請專利
🏆指導 生技學程 學士班  梁孟群 榮獲 國科會大專生計畫

SuzaL "Let's Explore Ourselves!!

As students, we sometimes try to avoid challenging events, but our teachers inspire us to face them. Such an event recently occurred, and I am going to share what I have learned from the English Oral Competition organized by CANR, NCHU. Every lab specializes in a specific research area that can be challenging for the general public to understand, even for scientists from different fields. Therefore, when we present our work on any public platform, we need to simplify the results and figures and include a clear takeaway message. 

For oral and poster competitions, I believe we must fulfill certain criteria, such as adhering to time constraints and maintaining a positive attitude. Most events offer rewards, but the most important thing is to participate for our own development. I represented Chiang's Lab in the mentioned competition and won the 3rd prize, which makes me feel happy. Through this program, I identified my areas of improvement and learned from others' presentations to enhance my skills."

Gary:  英文口說一直都是我最沒信心也最有興趣的能力,研究成果想要廣為讓大家了解信服,除了有利的數據外,不外乎就是讓所有人都聽得懂。


SuzaL "Let's Explore Ourselves!!

As students, we sometimes try to avoid challenging events, but our teachers inspire us to face them. Such an event recently occurred, and I am going to share what I have learned from the English Oral Competition organized by CANR, NCHU. Every lab specializes in a specific research area that can be challenging for the general public to understand, even for scientists from different fields. Therefore, when we present our work on any public platform, we need to simplify the results and figures and include a clear takeaway message. 

For oral and poster competitions, I believe we must fulfill certain criteria, such as adhering to time constraints and maintaining a positive attitude. Most events offer rewards, but the most important thing is to participate for our own development. I represented Chiang's Lab in the mentioned competition and won the 3rd prize, which makes me feel happy. Through this program, I identified my areas of improvement and learned from others' presentations to enhance my skills."

Gary:  英文口說一直都是我最沒信心也最有興趣的能力,研究成果想要廣為讓大家了解信服,除了有利的數據外,不外乎就是讓所有人都聽得懂。


Katherine: 謝謝您們這些日子以來的辛苦籌備,舉辦這個研討會,這次的研討會舉辦很成功,對參加者來說這只是兩天的活動,但對您們來說卻是一場準備硬仗,真的辛苦了,也非常感謝您們!在這次的研討會當中,我學到了很多不同層面不同領域的科學新知,也謝謝您們願意給予創作者寶貴的學習機會,我十分珍惜此次的經驗,這將成為我研究生的生活裡面一段難忘的經歷,真的由衷感謝大會、評審老師、工作人員。 I learned a lot of new knowledge at different levels and in different fields. Thank you for giving us such valuable opportunities. I cherish this experience very much, and it will become an unforgettable part of my postgraduate life. Thanks to the conference, reviewers, and staff from the bottom of my heart.

Kevin: 非常感謝主協辦單位辛苦策劃這次完美的研討會,讓我們全體學生有非常豐富的學術饗宴,並學習到許多科學新知。會中包含印尼泗水理工學院 Gunawan 教授利用不同乳酸菌發酵創造出可以取代小麥粉的農作物加工、屏科大羅教授結合同位素比值質譜儀與聚合酶連鎖反應技術鑑定食品摻假等食安議題,以及興大吳教授對於蜜蜂益生菌的研究都非常令人印象深刻。也非常感謝自己的研究獲得評審李教授的肯定,榮獲生物技術壁報組首獎殊榮,讓學生在求學過程中增添一筆經驗與回憶。本次發表的研究成果也包含了 lab 內學姊、學妹及合作夥伴興大黃院長 lab 許多人的參與,才讓研究成果更加豐富。然自己反思在報告過程中,雖有盡力回應李教授的提問,然未能非常流暢地回覆,此外在英文發音上也有許多謬誤,表達技巧仍需更加精進。再次感謝陳教授辛苦的籌備這場完美的研討會,讓學生求學生涯中有機會能用英文展示自己的研究成果,也有機會與許多國外學者學生交流,獲取別人寶貴的研究經驗,對於自己研究與視野有非常良好的助益,也希望明年有機會能繼續在 貴學會分享後續的研究成果! I am very grateful to the host and co-organizers for their hard work in planning this perfect symposium, allowing all our students to have a very rich academic feast and learn a lot of new scientific knowledge. The meeting included Professor Gunawan from Surabaya Institute of Technology in Indonesia using different lactic acid bacteria to ferment crops that can replace wheat flour, Professor Pingke Daluo combined isotope ratio mass spectrometer and polymerase chain reaction technology to identify food adulteration and other food safety issues, and Xingda University Professor Wu's research on bee probiotics is very impressive. I am also very grateful that my research was affirmed by the reviewer, Professor Li, and won the first prize in the biotechnology poster group, allowing students to add a touch of experience and memories during their studies. The research results published this time also included the participation of many people in the lab, including the schoolmates, school girls and partner Xingda President Huang Jiechen's lab, which enriched the research results. However, I reflected that during the reporting process, although I tried my best to answer Professor Li's questions, I couldn't answer very fluently. In addition, there were many mistakes in English pronunciation, and my expression skills still need to be improved. Thanks again to Professor Chen for his hard work in preparing this perfect seminar, so that students have the opportunity to present their research results in English during their academic career, and also have the opportunity to communicate with many foreign scholars and students, gaining valuable research experience from others, and for their own research. It is very helpful to the field of vision, and I hope to have the opportunity to continue to share the follow-up research results in your society next year!

Ingrid on APNNO 有了先前其他研討會的經驗,這次的APNNO顯得游刃有餘許多,不管是海報編排、poster報告內容、邏輯強度和口條....等各方面都有明顯的進步。研討會真的是快速累積各方面經驗值的場合,可以和與會經驗豐富的學者交流,站在巨人肩膀上眺望學海;也可觀察學界研究方向,可做為進入職場或是向上進修的墊腳石;聆聽其他poster的報告內容,也可以精進自己對於口說的內容和流暢度。這次研討會印象最深刻的莫過於見到 Berkeley 柏克萊的單碳代謝大前輩們,在海報展出的時候,前來關心並聆聽我們的成果,同時給我們研究上的意見與鼓勵,讓我們有了對於自己研究的不同見解。最後很感謝老師提供了一個這麼好的環境和機會,讓我們研究代謝流領域的機轉,並能夠在適時的大場合中嶄露我們的研究成果,除了磨練口才溝通技巧, 也是讓大家露臉、讓國內外前輩學者對 Chiang Lab 留下印象,;也期許未來的自己隨時都能準備完善,在任何機會來臨時不會落空。
Ingrid on ISBAB: 此次參加ISBAB研討會,便同時報名了口頭報告和海報分享,從海報設計、簡報呈現,到如何口頭清楚明瞭表達自己的實驗設計邏輯,這遠遠不是平常在實驗室中可以學習到的。



Landy: 很榮幸能夠參與此次臺灣表基因體學研討會及生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會這樣的盛事,也謝謝主辦方的陳永恩老師邀請了各個領域的講者,讓我透過這次的機會加深自己所學研究領域外,也增廣了其他領域的學術知識,使我對自己目前正在研究的方向有了新的想法與見解。這次幸運獲得獎項除了非常謝謝評審老師對我的肯定外,也謝謝蔣老師平常細心的教導,讓我能夠擁有這樣的殊榮。但在海報報告時候因為太過緊張而有點小忘詞,透過這樣的磨練也讓我深深明白到自己還有很多的不足及可以改善的地方,相信有了這次的經驗,我能夠將其內化成養分,讓我未來能夠更成長茁壯。It is a great honor to participate in such a grand event as the Taiwan Symposium on Epigenomics and the International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health Industry. I also thank the organizer, Mr. Chen Yongen, for inviting speakers from various fields, allowing me to deepen myself through this opportunity. In addition to the research field I have studied, I have also expanded my academic knowledge in other fields, which gave me new ideas and insights into the direction I am currently researching. This time I was lucky enough to win the award. In addition to being very grateful to the judges for their affirmation, I would also like to thank Mr. Jiang for his usual and careful teaching, allowing me to have such an honor. However, during the poster report, I was too nervous and forgot my words a little bit. Through this kind of training, I deeply understand that I still have many deficiencies and areas that can be improved. I believe that with this experience, I can use it Internalized into nutrients, so that I can grow stronger in the future.

Susan: 這次研討會有參加poster competition, 感謝指導教授蔣恩沛教授給予我許多建議與指教, 增加我英文口頭報告的經驗, 讓我可以獲得excellent海報獎. 感謝評審提出很多很好的問題, 給予我很多建議, 這次poster competition有機會與Dr. Barry Shane討論相關的研究, 讓我獲益良多. 研討會可以聽到各地優秀研究學者的演講, 其研究內容皆相當扎實, 邏輯緊密, 且新穎性十足。透過這次研討會讓我有機會了解其他領域學者的研究內容, 也讓我獲取了相關研究目前的發展趨勢, 讓我拓展自身的研究視野. 最後感謝主辦單位辦這個研討會, 提供我們很好的學術交流環境. I participated in the poster competition for this seminar. I would like to thank the supervisor Professor Jiang Enpei for giving me a lot of advice and guidance, increasing my experience in English oral presentations, and allowing me to win the excellent poster award. Thanks to the judges for asking a lot of good questions and giving me a lot of suggestions, In this poster competition, I had the opportunity to discuss related research with Dr. Barry Shane, which benefited me a lot. In the seminar, you can hear the speeches of outstanding research scholars from all over the world, and their research content is quite solid, logical, and full of novelty. Through this symposium, I have the opportunity to understand the research content of scholars in other fields, and also let me know the current development trend of related research, and let me expand my research horizon. Finally, I would like to thank the organizer for organizing this symposium and providing us with excellent academic exchange environment.

Charlie: 這一次原本只是抱著單純參加的經驗,畢竟只是個大學生,要和碩士班的學生競爭的確還是相較困難,但沒想到最後在海報方面獲獎了,來評分的評審可能剛好也是這領域的相關人士,所以花了較多時間在仔細聽我的Study design,可能也剛好符合他們的興趣所以才會是獲獎的關鍵。這一次也要感謝老師、Kevin在海報上以及摘要上面的協助,更讓我知道一份學術海報必須包含什麼,也要特別謝謝這個計畫中有幫忙的學長姐們,沒有他們我絕對無法有這些成果!This time, I just had the experience of simply participating. After all, I am just a college student. It is indeed difficult to compete with the students in the master's class. But I did not expect to win an award in the poster. The judges who came to score may happen to be related to this field. People, so I spent more time listening to my study design carefully, and it may just fit their interests, so it is the key to winning the award. This time, I also want to thank the teacher and Kevin for their assistance on the poster and the abstract, and let me know what an academic poster must contain. I also want to thank the seniors who helped me in this project. Without them, I would never have These results!

Cidd: 這次參與第四屆APNNO算是我人生第二次參加國際研討會,雖然有過一次的經驗,但還是十分慎重看待此次參與,這次與會的嘉賓及講者都是各個領域中德高望重的學者,讓我學習到不少其他面向的新知,並且非常簡單的可以直接透過當面對談來快速交流知識,打破了國籍國界的限制。而在海報競賽中能夠受到評審的肯定而得獎真的十分驚喜且意外,我也很感謝我實驗室的夥伴蔡弘毅同學和我一起共同執行這項計畫,當然在研討會期間他也在另一處努力發表我們的研究成果,可能是因為經驗不足,在報告方面會有說不清楚的部分,很感謝評審在詢問階段用引導式的方法幫助我解釋,也可與了我許多寶貴的意見,希望下次可以更加熟練的讓人可以了解我們計畫研究的意義,經由此次研討會的洗禮也讓我對於在研究找方向、題材或是邏輯上都有很大的幫助,也預祝參與APPNO的每位學者都在研究領域上可以順順利利。Participating in the 4th APNNO is the second time in my life to participate in an international seminar. Although I have experienced it once, I still take this participation very seriously. I have learned a lot of new knowledge in other aspects, and it is very simple to exchange knowledge directly through face-to-face conversations, breaking the restrictions of nationality and borders. In the poster competition, it was a pleasant surprise and surprise to be recognized by the judges. I am also very grateful to my laboratory partner, Cai Hongyi, for co-executing this project with me. Of course, he was also present during the seminar Another effort to publish our research results may be due to lack of experience, and there will be some unclear parts in the report. I am very grateful to the reviewers for helping me explain in a guided way during the inquiry stage, which can also give me a lot of valuable feedback. I hope that next time I can be more proficient so that people can understand the significance of our planned research. After the baptism of this seminar, it will also help me a lot in finding the direction, subject matter or logic of the research. I wish every scholar participating in APPNO all the best in their research fields.

Cindy: 很高興能參與這次的國際研討會活動,感謝主辦單位給予完善的服務、提供舒適的場地。在會場中看到許多厲害的研究,讓我學習到大家的實驗設計、海報排版呈現,還有在研討會中旁聽主題演講或是口頭競賽,讓我認識了不同科學領域、學習他們應答的技巧、台風。我這次參與了海報競賽的部分,謝謝學姊的提供好的檢體讓我做後續的分析,跟上次比,我覺得這次英文分享結果時有比較上手,但在回答問題、邏輯、實驗設計上還有很多可以加強的地方,我會再更加努力~再次謝謝主辦單位提供很棒的交流環境和老師的鼓勵。  It is a great pleasure to participate in this international seminar, and I would like to thank the organizers for their perfect service and comfortable venue. I saw a lot of powerful research in the venue, let me learn everyone's experimental design, poster layout presentation, and listen to the keynote speech or oral competition in the seminar, let me know different scientific fields and learn their answering skills ,typhoon. I participated in the poster competition this time. Thank you for providing good specimens for me to do follow-up analysis. Compared with the last time, I feel that I am more familiar with sharing the results in English this time, but in answering questions, logic, and experimental design. There are still many areas that can be improved, and I will work harder~ Thanks again to the organizer for providing a great communication environment and the teacher's encouragement.

Susan: 這次研討會有參加博士生海報英文報告, 當天報告有點緊張, 感謝指導教授蔣恩沛教授給予我許多建議與指教, 增加我英文口頭報告的經驗, 讓我可以獲得海報獎. 在研討論可以聽到各地優秀研究學者的演講,其研究內容皆相當扎實,邏輯緊密, 且新穎性十足。透過這次研討會讓我有機會了解其他領域學者的研究內容, 也讓我獲取了相關研究目前的發展趨勢,讓我拓展自身的研究視野。最後感謝主辦單位辦這個研討會, 提供我們很好的學術交流環境. In this symposium, I participated in a doctoral student’s poster presentation in English. I was a little nervous about the report that day. I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Jiang Enpei, for giving me a lot of advice and guidance, which increased my experience in oral presentations in English, and allowed me to win the poster award. During the research discussion, I can hear outstanding students from all over the world. The research content of the speeches of the research scholars is quite solid, logical, and full of novelty. Through this symposium, I had the opportunity to understand the research content of scholars in other fields, and also allowed me to obtain the current development trend of related research, allowing me to expand my research horizon. Finally, I would like to thank the organizer for organizing this seminar and providing us with a good academic exchange environment. 

Kelly on EPI meeting: 很榮幸這次能參加這次的國際研討會,並入選這次的口說比賽。還記得當初在報名的時候,我一直和老師argue説“我不可以不要參加口說比賽嗎?” 老師一直鼓勵我說“這是很好的機會和挑戰,你就就去試試看“,沒想到就這樣站上台,並得了獎。雖然因為在台上太緊張所以表現不如在台下練習的那麼順暢,在Q&A時也沒有正確回答到問題,但是在這些過程中真的學習到了很多,除了看到其他比賽的同學在台上非常平穩的台風之外,還有該如何有邏輯的述說故事,吸引觀眾注意……。總之,很感謝還有這次主辦人陳永恩教授以及各位評審老師,感謝您們的肯定,另外還要謝謝陳全木院長、趙家佳教授、籃英維博士提供的檢體和協助!還有總是給予支持的lsabel教授,我會再繼續努力加油的!It is a great honor to participate in this international seminar and to be selected for this oral competition. I still remember that when I signed up, I kept arguing with my teacher, "Can I not participate in the speaking competition?" The teacher kept encouraging me and said, "This is a very good opportunity and challenge, so just try it out", no I thought of standing on stage like this and winning an award. Although I was too nervous on the stage, my performance was not as smooth as in the off-stage practice, and I didn't answer the questions correctly during the Q&A, but I really learned a lot in these processes. In addition to seeing the students in other competitions on the stage very In addition to a stable typhoon, there is also how to tell the story logically and attract the attention of the audience... In short, I am very grateful to the host Professor Chen Yongen and the reviewers for your affirmation. In addition, I would like to thank Dean Chen Quanmu, Professor Zhao Jiajia, and Dr. Lan Yingwei for their samples and assistance! There is also Professor lsabel who is always supportive, I will continue to work hard!
Kelly on ISBAB: 首先要謝謝大會舉辦這次的國際研討會,也要謝謝 Professor Isabel 鼓勵我們參加此次研討會及海報競賽。 這次是我第一次參加國際研討會,遇見了許多箇中好手以及他們製作的海報是如何排版、如何呈現報告和如何回應評審的問題,讓我了解自己還有很多不足,還有許多可以學習的地方,這次雖然很遺憾沒得獎,但我還是會繼續努力的!謝謝 Professor Isabel,也謝謝大會,您們辛苦了!First of all, I would like to thank the conference for organizing this international seminar, and also thank Professor Isabel for encouraging us to participate in this seminar and poster competition. This is the first time for me to participate in an international seminar, and I have met many masters and how their posters are typeset, how to present reports, and how to respond to review questions. It made me realize that I still have a lot of shortcomings, and there is still a lot to learn Although it is a pity that I did not win the prize this time, I will continue to work hard! Thank you, Professor Isabel, and thank you for your hard work!

Roger: 這次參加臺灣表基因體學研討會及生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會,首先感謝老師的幫忙以及鼓勵,讓我有參與研討會的機會,也感謝跟我同計畫的夥伴劉峻佑同學,很多數據是他協助整理出來的,最後當然是感謝主辦方以及評審,感謝他們給我這個寶貴的機會口頭報告我的研究成果,並且給予我佳作的肯定。雖然這次口頭報告我認為表現不佳,因為用英語報告對我來說太有挑戰性了,但如果還有機會,我覺得能做得更好,期待之後能更進步。此次研討會讓我看到許多優秀的研究生以及有趣的海報,讓我更清楚自己不足的地方。2天的活動讓我學到許多,許多教授的主題都十分精彩,在台上分享研究成果的呈現方式也啟發我許多,在我未來學術研究上會有很大的幫助。First of all, I would like to thank the teacher for his help and encouragement, which gave me the opportunity to participate in the seminar. I would also like to thank my partner Liu Junyou, who helped me sort out a lot of data. Finally, of course, I would like to thank the organizers and judges for their contribution This is a precious opportunity for me to give an oral report on my research results and give me affirmation for my excellent work. Although I think the performance of this oral report is not good, because it is too challenging for me to report in English, but if there is another chance, I think I can do better and look forward to making better progress in the future. This seminar allowed me to see many excellent graduate students and interesting posters, which made me more aware of my shortcomings. The 2-day event taught me a lot. Many of the professors' topics were very exciting, and the presentation of the research results shared on the stage also inspired me a lot, which will be of great help to my future academic research.

Swing: 很緊湊的又參與了一次的國際研討會。不同於三週前參與的 ISBAB,有了經驗的我,更有方向地在準備海報與如何更順暢流利地將自己的研究分享給評審了解。非常感謝老師Isabel Chiang總是在百忙之中,協助我們從準備投稿到陪伴我們在會場給予我們指導。很幸運的,這次的海報獲得了佳作,非常感謝評審給予我的肯定。聽到別人的表現後,我發現自己在講述時缺少了自然口語化的表現,過於冗長沒有抑揚頓挫的敘述有可能造成評審無法好好理解內容。未來我將會更精進自己的口說能力,增加溝通時雙方的互動與交流。這次,也聽了許多來自不同國家的學者在表基因體學與食品生物化學領域的研究,有些很新穎值得更深入的去挖掘新知識,有些是在我已知的知識上又更富足了。未來,希望還能有機會參與更多研討會擴增視野。Very compact and participated in another international seminar. Different from the ISBAB that I participated in three weeks ago, with my experience, I am more oriented in preparing posters and how to share my research to the reviewers more smoothly and fluently. I am very grateful to the teacher Isabel Chiang for always being busy, assisting us from preparing for submission to accompanying us to give us guidance at the venue. Fortunately, this time the poster won a good work, and I am very grateful to the judges for their affirmation. After hearing other people's performances, I found that I lacked a natural colloquial expression in my narration. Too long narration without cadence may cause the judges to fail to understand the content well. In the future, I will improve my speaking ability and increase the interaction and communication between the two parties during communication. This time, I also listened to the research of many scholars from different countries in the field of epigenomics and food biochemistry. Some of them are very novel and worthy of further digging for new knowledge, and some of them are richer in the knowledge I already know. In the future, I hope to have the opportunity to participate in more seminars to broaden my horizons.

Cindy: 很高興能參與這次的國際研討會活動,感謝主辦單位給予完善的服務、提供舒適的場地。在會場中看到許多厲害的研究,讓我學習到大家的實驗設計、海報排版呈現,還有在研討會中旁聽主題演講或是口頭競賽,讓我認識了不同科學領域、學習他們應答的技巧、台風。我這次參與了海報競賽的部分,謝謝學姊的提供好的檢體讓我做後續的分析,跟上次比,我覺得這次英文分享結果時有比較上手,但在回答問題、邏輯、實驗設計上還有很多可以加強的地方,我會再更加努力~再次謝謝主辦單位提供很棒的交流環境和老師的鼓勵。It is a great pleasure to participate in this international seminar, and I would like to thank the organizers for their perfect service and comfortable venue. I saw a lot of powerful research in the venue, let me learn everyone's experimental design, poster layout presentation, and listen to the keynote speech or oral competition in the seminar, let me know different scientific fields and learn their answering skills ,typhoon. I participated in the poster competition this time. Thank you for providing good specimens for me to do follow-up analysis. Compared with the last time, I feel that I am more familiar with sharing the results in English this time, but in answering questions, logic, and experimental design. There are still many areas that can be improved, and I will work harder~ Thanks again to the organizer for providing a great communication environment and the teacher's encouragement.

Swing on ISBAB :很幸運老師提供了這個機會資訊,讓我們可以體驗這樣的國際研討會。從一開始準備摘要,還很茫然不知道從何下手,如何寫出學術性的語句,到後來做海報時,能夠比較有想法的自己編排故事邏輯,雖然還是有很多不足,很感謝老師花了很多的時間陪我們一再的修改。在會場中,看到許多更優秀的學術海報清晰明瞭,讓人一看就懂,再搭配上流利邏輯的英文口說解釋。在口頭報告的競賽中,也聽到講得很完整,新穎的實驗。透過這樣的機會可以開闊視野,看到更多優秀人才,並且向他們學習,未來我也會更督促自己對於實驗的細心程度、數據分析的完整性,以及好好精進自己英文的口說能力。Fortunately, the teacher provided this opportunity information, so that we can experience such an international seminar. From the beginning of preparing the abstract, I was still at a loss as to where to start and how to write academic sentences. Later, when I made posters, I was able to arrange the logic of the story by myself. Although there are still many shortcomings, I am very grateful to the teacher for spending A lot of time to accompany us to revise again and again. In the venue, I saw many more excellent academic posters that are clear and clear, which makes people understand at a glance, coupled with fluent and logical English oral explanations. In the oral report competition, I also heard a complete and novel experiment. Through such an opportunity, I can broaden my horizons, see more outstanding talents, and learn from them. In the future, I will also urge myself to be more careful about the experiment, complete the data analysis, and improve my English speaking ability.

Kelly on ISBAB: 首先要謝謝大會舉辦這次的國際研討會,也要謝謝 Professor Isabel 鼓勵我們參加此次研討會及海報競賽。 這次是我第一次參加國際研討會,遇見了許多箇中好手以及他們製作的海報是如何排版、如何呈現報告和如何回應評審的問題,讓我了解自己還有很多不足,還有許多可以學習的地方,這次雖然很遺憾沒得獎,但我還是會繼續努力的!謝謝 Professor Isabel,也謝謝大會,您們辛苦了!First of all, I would like to thank the conference for organizing this international seminar, and also thank Professor Isabel for encouraging us to participate in this seminar and poster competition. This is the first time for me to participate in an international seminar, and I have met many masters and how their posters are typeset, how to present reports, and how to respond to review questions. It made me realize that I still have a lot of shortcomings, and there is still a lot to learn Although it is a pity that I did not win the prize this time, I will continue to work hard! Thank you, Professor Isabel, and thank you for your hard work!

Gary on ISBAB :Gary: 今年的ISBAB,是我第一次參加的國際級研討會,雖然身為新生的我沒有數據一起參展,但是從學長姊蒐集數據、海報設計編排,一直到如何口說練習吸引評審、和觀眾互動,以及偶遇突發緊急狀況時的應變溝通能力,我們都有看在眼裡並學習起來,同時增廣見聞。在聆聽演講者的報告時,除了吸收新知識,了解實驗設計邏輯,更可以快速了解目前學界的研究方向。看到學長姐們紛紛獲獎,與有榮焉的同時也期許自己可以做到同樣亮眼的成果和表現。This year's ISBAB is the first international seminar I participated in. Although as a freshman, I don't have the data to participate in the exhibition together, but from the data collection by the senior sisters, poster design and layout, to how to practice speaking to attract judges and interact with the audience , and the ability to respond to emergency situations, we all have seen and learned from them, and at the same time broadened our knowledge. When listening to the speaker's report, in addition to absorbing new knowledge and understanding the logic of experimental design, you can quickly understand the current research direction in the academic field. Seeing the senior sisters winning awards one after another, while feeling honored, I also hope that I can achieve the same outstanding results and performance.

Larry on ISBAB: 這是第一次參加這種國際的研討會,對於大家要以全英文呈現出研究成果感到非常佩服,也覺得有機會能參加到此次會議非常難得。雖然在專業知識領域上的能力還有所不足,但這次研討會可以藉由閱讀壁報展示來獲取新知,開拓視野,讓學習不再僅限於教室內。相信這次經驗會在未來的求學過程中成為一股助力。This is the first time to participate in this kind of international seminar. I am very impressed by the fact that everyone presents the research results in English, and I also feel that it is very rare to have the opportunity to participate in this conference. Although the ability in the field of professional knowledge is still insufficient, this seminar can acquire new knowledge and broaden horizons by reading the poster presentation, so that learning is no longer limited to the classroom. I believe this experience will serve as a boost in my future studies.

Leo on ISBAB: Leo:第16屆ISBAB剛好在中興舉辦,有幸能夠參與到國際級的學術研討會,由於是剛進實驗室的碩士新生,尚無成果能夠參加poster或是上台oral,聆聽各國優秀教授的研究成果以及觀察學長姐的報告,讓我從中學到很多經驗,包含如何濃縮重點以及準確的使用英文表達自己的研究成果,期望明年能夠做出成果,參加17屆的ISBAB。Leo on ISBAB: Leo: The 16th ISBAB just happened to be held in ZTE, and I was fortunate to be able to participate in an international academic seminar. Since I am a freshman who has just entered the laboratory, I have no results yet. I have learned a lot from the professor's research results and the observation of the elder sister's report, including how to condense key points and accurately express my research results in English. I hope to make results next year and participate in the 17th ISBAB.

Larry on ISBAB: 這是第一次參加這種國際的研討會,對於大家要以全英文呈現出研究成果感到非常佩服,也覺得有機會能參加到此次會議非常難得。雖然在專業知識領域上的能力還有所不足,但這次研討會可以藉由閱讀壁報展示來獲取新知,開拓視野,讓學習不再僅限於教室內。相信這次經驗會在未來的求學過程中成為一股助力。Larry on ISBAB: This is the first time to participate in this kind of international seminar. I am very impressed by the fact that everyone presents their research results in English, and I also feel that it is very rare to have the opportunity to participate in this conference. Although the ability in the field of professional knowledge is still insufficient, this seminar can acquire new knowledge and broaden horizons by reading the poster presentation, so that learning is no longer limited to the classroom. I believe this experience will serve as a boost in my future studies.

Ingrid on APNNO 有了先前其他研討會的經驗,這次的APNNO顯得游刃有餘許多,不管是海報編排、poster報告內容、邏輯強度和口條....等各方面都有明顯的進步。研討會真的是快速累積各方面經驗值的場合,可以和與會經驗豐富的學者交流,站在巨人肩膀上眺望學海;也可觀察學界研究方向,可做為進入職場或是向上進修的墊腳石;聆聽其他poster的報告內容,也可以精進自己對於口說的內容和流暢度。這次研討會印象最深刻的莫過於見到 Berkeley 柏克萊的單碳代謝大前輩們,在海報展出的時候,前來關心並聆聽我們的成果,同時給我們研究上的意見與鼓勵,讓我們有了對於自己研究的不同見解。最後很感謝老師提供了一個這麼好的環境和機會,讓我們研究代謝流領域的機轉,並能夠在適時的大場合中嶄露我們的研究成果,除了磨練口才溝通技巧, 也是讓大家露臉、讓國內外前輩學者對 Chiang Lab 留下印象,;也期許未來的自己隨時都能準備完善,在任何機會來臨時不會落空。
Ingrid on APNNO: With the experience of other previous seminars, this time APNNO seems to be much more comfortable, whether it is poster layout, poster report content, logical strength and eloquence... etc. There have been obvious improvements in all aspects. The seminar is really an occasion to quickly accumulate experience in all aspects. You can communicate with experienced scholars and stand on the shoulders of giants to look at the sea of learning; you can also observe the research direction of the academic world, which can be used as a stepping stone to enter the workplace or to further study ;Listen to other posters' reports, and you can also improve your oral content and fluency. The most impressive thing about this seminar was seeing the seniors of Berkeley single-carbon metabolism. When the posters were exhibited, they came to care about and listen to our results. At the same time, they gave us research opinions and encouragement, so that We have different insights into our own research. Finally, I am very grateful to the teacher for providing such a good environment and opportunity for us to study the mechanism of the field of metabolic flux, and to present our research results on a timely occasion. In addition to honing eloquence and communication skills, it is also for everyone to show their faces , Let senior scholars at home and abroad leave an impression on Chiang Lab; also hope that the future self will be ready at any time, and will not fail when any opportunity comes.

Suza on ISBAB: The program was really successful. I joined this symposium to learn how to interact with international community and how to represent own works in front of others. Through this program, I learn where researchers and scientists are focusing at agriculture and biotechnology sector. I really want to send thank for the closing ceremony where I inspired and motivated by the President of ISBAB

more feedbacks from Chiang Lab attendees:
*Cindy: 很高興能參與這次的國際研討會活動,感謝主辦單位給予完善的服務、提供舒適的場地。在會場中看到許多厲害的研究,讓我學習到大家的實驗設計、海報排版呈現,還有在研討會中旁聽主題演講或是口頭競賽,讓我認識了不同科學領域、學習他們應答的技巧、台風。我這次參與了海報競賽的部分,謝謝學姊的提供好的檢體讓我做後續的分析,跟上次比,我覺得這次英文分享結果時有比較上手,但在回答問題、邏輯、實驗設計上還有很多可以加強的地方,我會再更加努力~再次謝謝主辦單位提供很棒的交流環境和老師的鼓勵。It is a great pleasure to participate in this international seminar, and I would like to thank the organizers for their perfect service and comfortable venue. I saw a lot of powerful research in the venue, let me learn everyone's experimental design, poster layout presentation, and listen to the keynote speech or oral competition in the seminar, let me know different scientific fields and learn their answering skills ,typhoon. I participated in the poster competition this time. Thank you for providing good specimens for me to do follow-up analysis. Compared with the last time, I feel that I am more familiar with sharing the results in English this time, but in answering questions, logic, and experimental design. There are still many areas that can be improved, and I will work harder~ Thanks again to the organizer for providing a great communication environment and the teacher's encouragement. 

Leo on ISBAB: Leo:第16屆ISBAB剛好在中興舉辦,有幸能夠參與到國際級的學術研討會,由於是剛進實驗室的碩士新生,尚無成果能夠參加poster或是上台oral,聆聽各國優秀教授的研究成果以及觀察學長姐的報告,讓我從中學到很多經驗,包含如何濃縮重點以及準確的使用英文表達自己的研究成果,期望明年能夠做出成果,參加17屆的ISBAB。Leo on ISBAB: Leo: The 16th ISBAB just happened to be held in ZTE, and I was fortunate to be able to participate in an international academic seminar. Since I am a freshman who has just entered the laboratory, I have no results yet. I have learned a lot from the professor's research results and the observation of the elder sister's report, including how to condense key points and accurately express my research results in English. I hope to make results next year and participate in the 17th ISBAB.

*Larry on ISBAB: 這是第一次參加這種國際的研討會,對於大家要以全英文呈現出研究成果感到非常佩服,也覺得有機會能參加到此次會議非常難得。雖然在專業知識領域上的能力還有所不足,但這次研討會可以藉由閱讀壁報展示來獲取新知,開拓視野,讓學習不再僅限於教室內。相信這次經驗會在未來的求學過程中成為一股助力。Larry on ISBAB: This is the first time to participate in this kind of international seminar. I am very impressed by the fact that everyone presents their research results in English, and I also feel that it is very rare to have the opportunity to participate in this conference. Although the ability in the field of professional knowledge is still insufficient, this seminar can acquire new knowledge and broaden horizons by reading the poster presentation, so that learning is no longer limited to the classroom. I believe this experience will serve as a boost in my future studies.

*Gary on ISBAB :Gary: 今年的ISBAB,是我第一次參加的國際級研討會,雖然身為新生的我沒有數據一起參展,但是從學長姊蒐集數據、海報設計編排,一直到如何口說練習吸引評審、和觀眾互動,以及偶遇突發緊急狀況時的應變溝通能力,我們都有看在眼裡並學習起來,同時增廣見聞。在聆聽演講者的報告時,除了吸收新知識,了解實驗設計邏輯,更可以快速了解目前學界的研究方向。看到學長姐們紛紛獲獎,與有榮焉的同時也期許自己可以做到同樣亮眼的成果和表現。This year's ISBAB is the first international seminar I participated in. Although as a freshman, I don't have the data to participate in the exhibition together, but from the data collection by the senior sisters, poster design and layout, to how to practice speaking to attract judges and interact with the audience , and the ability to respond to emergency situations, we all have seen and learned from them, and at the same time broadened our knowledge. When listening to the speaker's report, in addition to absorbing new knowledge and understanding the logic of experimental design, you can quickly understand the current research direction in the academic field. Seeing the senior sisters winning awards one after another, while feeling honored, I also hope that I can achieve the same outstanding results and performance.

*Suza on ISBAB: The program was really successful. I joined this symposium to learn how to interact with international community and how to represent own works in front of others. Through this program, I learn where researchers and scientists are focusing at agriculture and biotechnology sector. I really want to send thank for the closing ceremony where I inspired and motivated by the President of ISBAB

*Kelly on ISBAB: 首先要謝謝大會舉辦這次的國際研討會,也要謝謝 Professor Isabel 鼓勵我們參加此次研討會及海報競賽。 這次是我第一次參加國際研討會,遇見了許多箇中好手以及他們製作的海報是如何排版、如何呈現報告和如何回應評審的問題,讓我了解自己還有很多不足,還有許多可以學習的地方,這次雖然很遺憾沒得獎,但我還是會繼續努力的!謝謝 Professor Isabel,也謝謝大會,您們辛苦了!First of all, I would like to thank the conference for organizing this international seminar, and also thank Professor Isabel for encouraging us to participate in this seminar and poster competition. This is the first time for me to participate in an international seminar, and I have met many masters and how their posters are typeset, how to present reports, and how to respond to review questions. It made me realize that I still have a lot of shortcomings, and there is still a lot to learn Although it is a pity that I did not win the prize this time, I will continue to work hard! Thank you, Professor Isabel, and thank you for your hard work!