Welcome to Chiang Laboratory 營養代謝流研究室
Welcome to Chiang Laboratory 營養代謝流研究室
本實驗室運用對分生/生化/營養/分析技術,在人體/細胞/動物/微生物模式中,建立質譜技術平台,追蹤體內細胞內的代謝流, 探討疾病發生與飲食/藥物治療機轉; 歡迎對生醫/營養/食品保健/生化/微生物跨領域研究有興趣者加入團隊!Using mass spectrometry technology platforms and cell/animal/microbial models, we track the metabolic flow and delineate the mechanism by which human desease alter metabolic pathways and how diet/drug therapy can correct them. We welcome those highly interested in tracing metabolic kinetics in human diseases, cell, animal, and microbes! go to FSB NCHU 中興食生
本實驗室運用對分生/生化/營養/分析技術,在人體/細胞/動物/微生物模式中,建立質譜技術平台,追蹤體內細胞內的代謝流, 探討疾病發生與飲食/藥物治療機轉; 歡迎對生醫/營養/食品保健/生化/微生物跨領域研究有興趣者加入團隊!Using mass spectrometry technology platforms and cell/animal/microbial models, we track the metabolic flow and delineate the mechanism by which human desease alter metabolic pathways and how diet/drug therapy can correct them. We welcome those highly interested in tracing metabolic kinetics in human diseases, cell, animal, and microbes! go to FSB NCHU 中興食生
to be continued...網頁更新中....敬請期待...