Work with Boston College

The Medfield Public Schools/ Boston College Partnership

Given Medfield Public Schools' reputation as a supportive and rigorous learning environment, as well as the employer of many administrator and teacher alumni, Boston College selected Medfield Public Schools to join its elite group of partner districts.

As a partner district, we benefit from this relationship in numerous ways. For example, veteran MPS teachers regularly share their skills with the next generation by hosting student teachers. Boston College student teachers, in turn, share the latest in research-based instructional practices with our teachers.

Moreover, Boston College professors can assist by providing feedback and guidance. To help us address the recommended adaptations to Blake's Feedback System, we reached out to Dr. Nathaniel Brown (see biography below). Dr. Brown is an Associate Research Professor in Boston College's Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment Department and is instrumental in helping us design a system that ensures meaningful feedback to students, teachers, and families. Throughout Spring 2022, he helped us via regular consultations with school and district leadership, multiple teacher professional development workshops, and informational sessions with families.

Nathaniel J.S. Brown, PhD

Associate Research Professor


Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment



Nathaniel Brown has geared his career toward changing the way we think about learning and assessing education. Specifically, his research explores assessment for learning—reforming grading practices to establish formative classroom cultures, promote growth mindsets, chart clear paths for students and teachers, and support learning regardless of achievement level. His expertise spans cognitive development, STEM teaching and learning, and student motivation.