Publisher's Description

Kids who have trouble adjusting to the unexpected and tend to overreact, can learn four steps for achieving flexible thinking in this story. Learning how to react appropriately to challenging situations is an important executive function skill for students in grades K through 5.

Publisher's Description

What Should Danny Do? is an innovative, interactive book that empowers kids with the understanding that their choices will shape their days, and ultimately their lives into what they will be. Written in a “Choose Your Own Story” style, the book follows Danny, a Superhero-in-Training, through his day as he faces choices that kids face on a daily basis.

Publisher's Description

8 stories in 1! In this follow up to the #1 Amazon Best Seller, What Should Danny Do?, you get to decide how Danny's day at school will end! Children love being able to make all the choices and control the outcome of the book, while parents and teachers love the lessons the book teaches! Try to reach all 8 endings!

Publisher's Description

Impulsive Ninja learns how to use an underused superpower to respond to frustration, anger, and criticism.


This book provides activities and reproducible worksheets to help students think about and practice strategies to become more reflective (vs. impulsive). Using cognitive-behavioral theory and techniques, it is intended to provide school personnel with tools to teach students how to stop and think before acting.

Publisher's Description

Self-regulation includes a universal set of skills necessary for academic success emotional control and healthy social interaction. With this single resource you will be able to address children's anger problems academic performance challenges anxieties school safety issues self-esteem social skills and much more.


This book provides activities and reproducible worksheets to help students think about and practice strategies to become more reflective (vs. impulsive). Using cognitive-behavioral theory and techniques, it is intended to provide school personnel with tools to teach students how to stop and think before acting.