Recording Studio and Music & Media Lab

Recording Studio and Music & Media Lab Reservations

The Recording Studio can only be reserved for 2-hour blocks during times for which appointments are available. The Recording Studio can never be used for recording drums or amplified instruments when the Recital Hall below is reserved and is being used for class or a concert/recital. The Computer Lab can never be reserved, and students cannot reserve the Recording Studio when a class is meeting in the Computer Lab.

The Music & Media Lab can be reserved at any available appointment time for 2-hour blocks, but loudspeakers cannot be used when the Recital Hall is reserved and is being used for class or a concert/recital.

Events scheduled for the Recording Studio/Computer Lab are marked on the calendar below in dark green - the Recording Studio is unavailable for student use during these times.

Events scheduled for the Recital Hall are labeled on the calendar below in pink - the Recording Studio is unavailable for student use during these times.