Workforce Education Funding

Workforce Education Funding Notes

Please use this common Project Funding Application for projects that you would like to have funded in professional/technical programs or divisions. DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION FOR THE MORE ROUTINE REQUESTS, AS OUTLINED BELOW.

Examples of projects are: New program development, funding for an event, or a cross departmental collaboration, requests for new space, or space remodels, etc.

Do not use this application for curriculum development, conferences or travel, accreditation or membership costs, or equipment for existing programs. More is explained below.

There are several sources of funding available to support professional/technical (prof/tech) programs and students. The reasoning behind this extra funding for prof/tech programs is that these programs tend to be higher cost than traditional academic programs. The higher cost are seen in:

  1. Higher requirements for professional development. Prof/tech faculty are required to create Professional Development Plans with at least five activities, and funds are set aside to fund these activities.
  2. More frequent curriculum updates. Prof/tech programs train people to go into jobs after graduation. Technological advances, workplace best practices, and organizational changes within an industry require frequent curriculum reviews, updates, and new course development
  3. Expensive equipment for labs. A single piece of equipment for the engineering tech lab can cost $100,000 or more.
  4. Individual Program Accreditation – some programs are affiliated with state or national groups, such as nursing, and must go through an accreditation process on a regular basis. There is money set aside for the accreditation fees, cost of the visit, and preparation for the visit.

Requests for the items above are made through the Workforce Development and Training spreadsheet, NOT the common Project Funding Application. The WDT spreadsheet is very simple to fill out and is used for those requests that we consider routine.

Call the WDT office if you need help determining where to request funding for your particular need. Thank you!