Weekly Workshops

During our professional development weekly workshops, students were able to talk with a variety of professionals within their field, ask questions, take advice, steps of what they can do now, and overall gather an understanding of what to expect when stepping foot into the workplace!

Technology career panel

Students with interests in Information Technology were able to talk with experts in the field!

Earl Alexander Jr., Miles Lacue, and Jonathan Jeremie

Engineering career panel

Students with interests in Engineering were able to talk with experts in the field!

Austin Perez, Tony Stanford, and

science career panel

Students interested in the Science field were able to talk with experts in the field!


LinkedIn Workshop

Guest Speaker Chris Winston gave a presentation about the importance of creating and managing your LinkedIn Profile, while also dropping some gems about how to network your profile!

LinkedIn Workshop

As Mr. Winston was presenting, students were taking notes and even editing and creating their profiles based on the information given by Mr. Winston!