STEM Tank Season 3

Students were able to participate in STEM Tank Season 3 as an opportunity to conduct research based on a problem that lies here in the community or on campus. Participants were then able to present their research during our STEM Tank Program Competition and were able to win prizes! STEM Tank Season 3 also had a volunteer opportunity for everyone as well! 

First Place

Mentor: Dr. Matthew Miller
Tevorn Conner, Asiyah Ibrahim, Mia Taylor-Graustuck, and Lawrence Levia

hydroponic garden

Used to solve the lack of self-sustainable agriculture here on campus 

Second Place

Mentor: Quillie Hunt
Ashelaye Garritt, Timothy Tsung, Stacey Roberts, Brian Peacock, and Ayham Almashharawi 


Developing a carpooling system for students of Central Piedmont and potentially other communities to decrease carbon emissions and increase sociability 

third place

Mentor: Serenity Stokes
Komla Gotah, Ryan Pruette, Sierra Lawson, and Kamon Whiteside 


Creating a sustainable bus stop that is equipped with essentials.  It also aims to increase accessibility for Charlotte’s increasing population by providing more routes across Charlotte.

Project Models Made by STEM Tank Season 3 members!!

Reimagining C.A.T.S - Model of the improved bus stops around Charlotte and other nearby cities!

Hydroponic Garden - Model of the Hydroponic Towers that will be used for the garden!


Allows for more food options here on campus, delivered to a location here on campus. No more driving around Charlotte for foods you want after class!

Eco X Dome

A botanical garden made inside of a geodesic dome that provides a relaxing and welcoming environment for students and staff to unwind and engage as a community!