Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to have a mentor?

A: As you continue your education in your chosen field, it can be helpful to have the perspective of someone who has been through the same things you are currently experiencing. Talking through your questions, doubts, or excitement with a mentor can help you affirm or change your path - you won't know until you ask!

Q: How can you benefit from having a mentor?

A: A mentor can help you grow not only professionally but in many other aspects of your life. Learn more about yourself and possible career opportunities that could be open to you. Work with a mentor to develop a plan to achieve your goals and overcome challenges. Your mentor can also introduce you to others in the community and expand your network.

Q: What should be your planning horizon for mentoring relationships?

A: The "Rise Together" mentorship for women in CAEM runs for one academic year. However, you might find that the relationship with your mentor last longer than that. It is not uncommon for people to have different mentors at different times in their lives.

Q. I have a heavy load this semester. What time commitment is required?

A. The minimum time commitment is one to two hours per month through the academic year to meet with your mentor i.e. over coffee or lunch. The meeting time and location will be determined by you and your mentor. You and your mentor may choose to meet more often at your discretion.

Q. How will I be paired with a mentor?

A. Fill out the questionnaire and be as descriptive in your answers as possible. This will help us to match mentors/mentees with similar areas of studies and similar interests.

Q. Will there be opportunities to network with women engineers already in the workforce?

A. Yes! There will be at least one group mentor-mentee event per semester to meet other engineers.

Q. I would like to see what a day in the life of an engineer looks like. Will there be opportunities to visit my mentors work place?

A. You and your mentor can discuss ‘shadowing’ opportunities which might include attending project meetings, learning about projects your mentor is working on, and/or tour of the office to see the inner operations.

Q. Can I share what a day in the life of a student looks like to my mentor?

A. Certainly! Inviting your mentor to a campus event will give you more opportunities to interact with your mentor.

Q. How can I help to make this program a success?

A. A feedback survey is available for you to provide comments on your experience, and suggestions on ways to improve the program.