Russian - To Study

Изучаю или учусь?

Russian has several verbs that can translate as “to study”. But even in English if you think beyond just the word “study”, you will notice how it is different in English as well. Take a look at these two examples of the word “to study” in English. 

What differences do you notice in terms of the surrounding words?

Answer: In sentence (1) the word study is followed by a direct object, which is expressed by the word “Russian”. Remember that the direct object is asking the question “what?” In sentence (2) the word “study” is followed by a preposition at and then the place where you study. In other words, it is where you go to school. The last sentence (3) is followed by the preposition in and the year in which you study. This last sentence in English is a bit awkward, and there are other ways you can express this sentence, such as I’m in my fourth year or I’m a senior.  But in Russian this sentence structure is natural.

So, as you could see in English the meaning of the word “study” changes as well depending on what follows. In Russian, there are several words that mean “study”.

The first concordance box has the word “изучаю”,  while the second one contains the word “учусь”.

Concordance 1. Изучаю.

Concordance 2. Учусь.


Study the concordance boxes above and answer the following questions in the Padlet embedded below:

Let's apply what we have learned!

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb.

1. Я __________________ (учусь/изучаю) на втором курсе.

2. Я __________________ (учусь/изучаю) испанский язык.

3. Я __________________ (учусь/изучаю) в университете Аризоны.

4. Я __________________ (учусь/изучаю) в университете на первом курсе.

5. Я __________________ (учусь/изучаю) русский язык, потому что он красивый.

Additional Questions