Peer feedback on CV in video 🎓 📷

Learning goals: 

Level: Advanced

CV or resumé in videos are now a part of the recruitment process in the job market.

"Virtual recruiting has grown in popularity since the start of the pandemic, with one global survey across industries showing 65% of companies having hired a new candidate without ever meeting them in person. Along with video interviews, new tech solutions are increasingly making video resumes part of the recruitment process." (Read more in the BBC article.)

You are going to watch a video that a former PORT 425 student recorded for a recruiter responding to a job ad of their interest.

This is the job they are interested in:

Software developer at Amazon São Paulo


Come and build production software as an Amazon Software Development Engineer Intern. We are looking for passionate developers who love solving challenging problems, learning on the job, and working in a team to get stuff done.

You'll work on all phases of the software lifecycle alongside a diverse team. Your fresh perspective will inform innovative solutions to problems customers' face every day.

Amazon offers a unique work environment. You will be able to work on the A to Z of problems, at scale, for real customers.

Responsibilities and qualifications:

· Ability to design and code right solutions starting with broadly defined problems.

· Drive best practices and engineering excellence.

· Work with other team members 

· Work in an agile environment to deliver high quality software.

· Excellent problem solving skills.

· Candidate must have good written and oral communication skills, be a fast learner and have the ability to adapt quickly to a fast-paced development environment.

Watch the video and read transcript:


Image source: <a href="">Agreement Vectors by Vecteezy</a>


meu nome é <name> e estou apresentando para o estágio de desenvolvimento de software para Amazon de São Paulo

sou uma estudante da Universidade de Arizona em meu último ano

estudo ciências de computação e espanhol com uma concentração em português

tenho experiência em as linguagens de comp- programação como Java

Java Script uh Python uh HTML CSS e


uh eu trabalhei em projetos como criando algoritmos e interfaces gráficas

uh manipulando e criando bancos de dados 

e uh construindo s- sites uh

de frente para atrás

eu uh gostaria de uh ganhar

exp- exposição em uh um

uma equipe de

uh engenheiros de software

e poder uh

contribuir contribuir minhas habilidades para o a melhoria

da empresa

sou uh uma pessoa analítica e eu aprendo uh conceitos conceitos novos rapidamente

então acho que eu se- eu seria um ativo para uh

o equipe em descobrir uh soluções inovadoras para

uh a empresa

uh muito obrigada uh pela sua consideração

Now think about the following questions.


1) How much do you think the candidate was successful in showing their suitability for the job? Did they address what the job ad was looking for?

2) How do you assess the candidate's level of engagement with the imaginary recruiter? Do they show excitement, enthusiasm, shyness, or discomfort?


3) How did the candidate describe their skills and professional experience in the video? Take notes of what they share. Notice which verb tenses the use for each communicative purpose.

verb tense purpose example

present talk about academic skills Sou estudante na UA

Estudo ciências da computação

Tenho experiência...

simple past

conditional (would _____)

4) Overall, how do you assess the candidate's language choices and level of formality? Do you think they were appropriate? What would you do the same in your own video? Is there anything you would do differently?

Vocabulary tip

We have discussed that it is very common to use terms in English in the job market and cooperative context, such as budget, soft skills, feedback, deadline, follow-up. Vocabulary in English is particularly frequent in computer science and software development contexts, such as the one the candidate is applying for. For that reason, not everything has to be translated to Portuguese. Take a look at this particular example:

construindo sites de frente para atrás

5) The highlighted phrase is not very frequently used in Portuguese. Can you guess what it refers to in English? Is there any term or expression in your professional/educational field that is commonly not translated and used directly in English?

Brainstorm your own video

6) Jot down ideas that you would use in your own video. You can write bullet points after each item.

Job position:

My qualifications:

Past experiences:

How I would contribute to the position:

Useful phrases:

How I am going to prepare before recording: