
Reading will continue to take place in many different ways in first grade. The children will take part in shared reading, read alouds, and reading workshop this year. They will be introduced to the fundamentals of reading. They will be learning about building good reading habits. Each workshop will begin with a mini-lesson where a reading strategy is introduced and modeled. Students will have the opportunity to practice the strategy before trying it independently. They will be reading to self and reading to someone with just right books. This will give us the opportunity to work with small groups and individuals. The children will be introduced to a variety of reading materials including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and songs. The main goal for reading workshop is to expose children to the tools they need to read and foster a love of books and learning.

Reading Homework: The children will choose a book to take home from their book box each night. This book is part of a band of texts they shop for each week. Please remind your child to stop and think as they are reading. Ask your child questions as they read. For example: What happened on this page? What was the author trying to teach you on this page?

Please take advantage of the Reading A to Z subscription our class has this year. RAZ-KIDS is a wonderful opportunity for your child to read just right books online.

Please let us know if you need assistance logging in to your child's account.