Knightly Advice

Tips from a JGHS Senior

Changes at JGHS

By Lauren Hoolahan

Schools across the nation are adapting to the evolving changes brought onto us by COVID-19. The first quarter of this school year is under wraps, and now is the time to make any necessary adjustments to finish the year out strongly. Trying to stay occupied, productive, and focused on academics this year is more challenging than ever. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep the minds and bodies of John Glenn High School students healthy.

  1. Firstly, the student body at JGHS should understand that each and every one of us can relate to problems we are facing right now. Do not be upset at yourself if you’re not performing well academically. Acknowledge that there has been a change in your life, stay open-minded and learn from your past mistakes moving forward.

  2. Be aware of how much time you are spending on social media, watching tv, etc. Remote school is already causing us to be logged onto Google Meets for a large portion of the day. More time on technology in addition to online school can hinder your ability to be successful. Setting time limits on social media apps, especially tiktok, can help you achieve this and finish what you need to.

  3. Stay up to date. Yes, this year is unlike any other, but I believe that we could all improve upon the concept of organization. Try out utilizing some of the features that our wonderful school-issued chromebooks give to us! For example bookmarks, Google Drive folders, and the Google Calendar are all great resources for keeping you on track.

  4. Take care of yourself. A great way to stay on top of what you need to do is by rewarding yourselves. Taking a needed break by going for a walk, exercising, or safely seeing your friends after you complete school work are healthy ways of doing so.

  5. Get involved. Being a part of a club or organization whether it’s through the school or not is key for getting through these tough times. Having people in your life that share common interests can aid in you becoming a more well-rounded student and individual. There is more to being a student at John Glenn than just homework and tests. All clubs are running virtually this year! Whether it be the Cooking Club or the Community Service Club, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved here at John Glenn.

  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Teachers are offering extra help via Google Meets as well as on off periods or before/after school. It would be worse to do poorly out of fear of asking your teachers for help, so make sure you are aware of your teachers' off periods and communicate any issues that you might be experiencing.

  7. Lastly, enjoy yourselves as much as you can! Our situation will not be like this forever, but until then stay as positive as possible and create high school memories that you’ll cherish forever!

Following these steps in combination or alone would be a healthy and safe way to finish out the school year! Take care of yourselves and take care of others!