Social Studies

Welcome.  I hope this website proves useful to you and helps us have a wonderful year together.

This year we will be studying ancient world history.

Required Supplies

Students should come to class each day with:


Grading Policy

All grades can be accessed through the parent portal. Grades will not be posted until all classes are able to have the assignment returned to them.  Please wait for the assignment to be returned before asking about a grade seen on the portal. 

The final quarter grade is comprised of 

Preparedness and participation will be calculated in the following way.  Each student starts off each quarter with a 100%. Points may be added and taken away on a daily basis. A student can increase his or her grade by volunteering, asking thoughtful questions, listening carefully, and being prepared for class. Students might lose points by not attending class regularly, lateness, being unprepared, calling out of turn, being off task, disrupting class, etc. For example, if a student is late or unprepared to class, X points will be deducted. If a student remains actively engaged during class, X points will be added. 

New Items

I normally have extra help everyday at the beginning of sixth period.  Since there are assessments in both math and social studies next week I think it would be wise to say that Tuesday will be devoted primarily to giving extra help in math and Wednesday will be devoted primarily to social studies. 

If you receive a weekly Google Classroom report it is very important that you know the following information:  I assign more work then we can do for each section.  That way students who want to do more or need to practice a skill have material available.  If a document does not have a due date assigned to it, it is either extra or something that will be completed in class together.  Therefore, even if classroom says these documents are missing as long as they do not have a due date or specific instructions attached to it, you should not require your child to complete every document that i assign.

Extra Help

Extra help will be given most days at the beginning of sixth period.  I am available most days but if a student asks me beforehand we can make sure that extra help is available. 

Test and Project Due Dates

For students who fell behind and need more time to complete the project.  I will accept projects up until  6/17 Monday morning before 8:20 am without penalty.  

The skills exam that students will take on the social studies final date, Tuesday June 25, will consist of students answering multiple choice DBQ (Document Based questions,) map, and chart questions.  Therefore students do not need to study prior units for this assessment as the information can be found in the documents.

The final project was introduced today 6/4 and students began to work on it.  The final project can be found in google classroom.  Students will be steadily working on it during class and are welcome to work on it at home as needed.  The final project is due by the end of the day on Friday June 14.

The quiz for Rome 9-1 will be on Tuesday May 7.  The quiz for Rome 9-2 will be on May 17.  And the end of unit exam will be on Tuesday  May 21.  Quizlets are provided a couple of days prior to each quiz and a review sheet is provided several days before the test.

The plan for our first unit on Rome is as follows:  The quiz on Rome 8-1 will be on Friday 3/15.  The quiz on Rome 8-2 will be on Tuesday 3/26.  The quiz on Rome 8-3 will be on Friday April 5.  Our first unit test on Rome 8-1 - 8-3 will be held on Tuesday 4/9.  That will also be our final grade for the marking period.  The review sheet for the test will be given out on Friday both on paper and digitally in classroom.

Due to a school activity on Thursday and a need to not delay the test until the week after (Friday shorter periods so I can not hold the test then either) the chapter 5 social studies test must take place on Wednesday March 6.  The classes voted and they decided that they would like to take the quiz on section 5-3 on Monday March 4 as opposed to Tuesday.  After Wednesday we will be starting our next civilization - Rome. 

Our second quiz will be on Thursday 2/15.  It will cover Greece 5-2.  The final section of Greece as well as the end of unit test will be held after vacation.  (Note: if the snow day occurs the quiz and homework will be pushed back one day.   If you are not going to be here on Friday I strongly advise you let me know in advance and we can arrange to take the quiz one day early as opposed to after the vacation.)

Our first quiz of the third quarter will be on Tuesday 2/6.  It will cover Greece 5-1.

Our second quiz will now be on Thursday 1/11.  It had to be moved back a day to accommodate the math quiz being switched to Wednesday.  The rest of the unit should look as follows:  Quiz on Greece 4-4 will take place on Tuesday 1/23 and our end of Greece part I test will be on Thursday 1/25.  This will allow me to count the test towards the second quarter.

Our first quiz on Greece 4-1 will take place on Wednesday 12/18.  

The quiz for lesson 3 on China  will be on Wednesday 12/6.   Our end of unit test should be Friday 12/8 but may be moved to the Tuesday due to Fridays shortened periods.   With the concert being on Monday a Tuesday test is not feasible.  So we will have to stick to a Friday test.

My plan for China calls for a quiz on lesson 7-1 on Tuesday 11/14.  However I believe we will have to move the section 2 quiz to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving 11/28.

Our culminating assessment for Egypt will be a project.  Most of this project can be found in Classroom.  Note; in addition to Part I and II which will be done on the computer students will also complete a cover page and map on paper.  This part of the project will be handed in during class on the date the project is due.  Directions for the project as well as the rubric that will be used for grading this project can be found in classroom.  The projects due date will be due on 11/1.  This includes the map and cover page as well as Part I and II which are completed in classroom using google slides.  My hope is that by giving students almost 7 class periods as well as no homework over this time period all students will be done by the end of class on Tuesday and can then enjoy their halloween.

Our quiz on Egypt 2-2 will be on Thursday 10/12.  I am hoping our third and final quiz on Egypt 2-3 will be on Friday October 20.  The quiz will have matching, multiple choice and a short answer writing section.   Our culminating assessment for Egypt will be a project which will be introduced after the quiz.

Our second quiz on Ancient Egypt 2-1 will now be on Tuesday  10/3.    It will have multiple choice and matching questions.

Our first quiz on early man and CREPS will be held on Wednesday 9/20. The quiz will have multiple choice and matching.