
Welcome.  I hope this website proves useful to you and helps us have a wonderful year together.

This year we will be studying:

Required Supplies

For the beginning of the year students need to have pencils, erasers, notebook/binder and their Chromebook.

Students should come to class each day with:


Grading Policy

All grades can be accessed through the parent portal. Grades will not be posted until all classes are able to have the assignment returned to them.  Please wait for the assignment to be returned before asking about a grade seen on the portal. 

The final quarter grade is comprised of 

Preparedness and participation will be calculated in the following way.  Each student starts off each quarter with a 100%. Points may be added and taken away on a daily basis. A student can increase his or her grade by volunteering, asking thoughtful questions, listening carefully, and being prepared for class. Students might lose points by not attending class regularly, lateness, being unprepared, calling out of turn, being off task, disrupting class, etc. For example, if a student is late or unprepared to class, X points will be deducted. If a student remains actively engaged during class, X points will be added. 

New Items

I normally have extra help everyday at the beginning of sixth period.  Since there are assessments in both math and social studies next week I think it would be wise to say that Tuesday will be devoted primarily to giving extra help in math and Wednesday will be devoted primarily to social studies. 

If you receive a weekly Google Classroom report please remember that a vast majority of our math work is not found in classroom but in using our work-a-text.

Test and Project Due Dates

We will be finishing our last few concepts as well as starting to review for the final on 6/13.  In keeping with current practices I am not assigning any graded homeworks during the review period.  It is up to the students to decide how and if they study at home.  Review material will be provided both paper and digitally for students who wish to review for the final.

As of 6/7 there is a review assignment for the final in google classroom.  Also, there are multiple assignments available on Castle Learning for students to use.  Remember you can use a calculator while studying for the final as you will have a calculator while taking the exam. 

We will have our last math quiz of the year on Tuesday or Wednesday 6/11,12.  This will cover most of unit 7.  We will then spend the last several days of class beginning to review for the final exam.  Review material will become available around the time of the last quiz.

We will have our last spiral quiz on unit 6 on Thursday 5/16.  We will then have our end of unit test on Wednesday 5/22 (to avoid conflicting with Tuesday's social studies test.)   Review materials will be available on Castle learning, classroom and paper after the quiz. 

Paper review materials for the test have been given out (on Tuesday/Wednesday.)  Review books will be given out on Thursday.  There is also review material available in classroom.

We have 2 four day weeks left to our quarter.  So far we have had only 1 test in math.  I prefer to give 2 tests a quarter so students have an opportunity to raise their grade should a test go poorly.  The final week of the quarter goes as follows: Tuesday social studies test, Wednesday off, Thursday and Friday state ELA tests no exams permitted.  That leaves next week as the last week I can have a second test in math.  Therefore we will have a unit 5 test on Friday April 5.  This unit test will not include the final lesson (5-10) so we can have the test on that Friday.

A spiral quiz on lesson 5-6 -5-8 will be given on March 27.

Our second spiral quiz on unit 5 will be on Wednesday March 13.  It will cover up to and including lesson 5-5.

Our first spiral quiz on unit 5 will take place on Friday March 1.   It will cover the first 2 lessons of this unit (5-1 5-2.) This will allow me to avoid a quiz during the days around the social studies assessments for those who have me for both subjects.

Our end of the unit test for unit 4 will be held on 2/14.  Review material can be found in the workbook and in castle learning ( note castle does not cover lesson 4-10.)  Also, the extra problems review book and a paper handout will be given out on Monday or Tuesday.  (Note:  If the snow day happens I will push back the math test 1 day.  Also the homework will be due on the day return.)

Our first grade of the third quarter will be a spiral quiz covering through section 4-8 in the workbook.  The quiz will be held on Friday.  Date of the end of unit test will be before vacation, exact date to come.

Our final grade of the second quarter will be a mini test on the first 5 lessons in unit 4.  The mini test will be held on Wednesday 1/24.  Extra practice problems can be found in google classroom and in castle learning.

As we only had 1 lesson left in unit 3 I have decided to have a spiral  super quiz on just this lesson (and questions covering items that proved difficult on the test) on Wednesday 1/10.  This will also allow students to improve on the concepts that we have been working on.  Sorry for all the switching of dates.  I did not realize that we would be conducting Iready testing on both Monday  and Tuesday so I had to readjust the dates of my quizzes. 

We will have our end of unit 3 test on Thursday 12/21.  Review material will be given out during the week prior to the exam.  If there is time we will have a short quiz on Friday 12/15 but at this point I anticipate skipping the quiz so I can spend more time finishing the unit.

We will have a spiral quiz on Friday 12/1.  It will cover through lesson 3-2 (PEMDAS.)

Our third spiral quiz will cover up to lesson 2-6.  The quiz will be on Thursday 11/2.  Our end of unit test will take place on Thursday 11/9.  Review material will be available on Castle learning, Classroom and our workbooks.

Our first spiral quiz for unit 2 will be held on Thursday 10/19.  It will cover up to and including lesson 2.

My plan for the rest of unit 1 is as follows.  A spiral quiz on dividing fractions and mixed numbers will be held on Thursday  10/5.  Our end of unit test will be held on Wednesday 10/11.  Review materials can be found in, castle learning as of 10/4 our workbook including the digital website.  I have set up links to various videos and problems in Google Classroom that might help students understand the concepts we have done in class.  Students will also receive a second (much smaller workbook) to use Friday through Wednesday to review for the test.  I will collect the books on Wednesday so they do not have to carry them around until the next assessment.  

Our second quiz will be a spiral quiz on Thursday 9/26.  It will mainly cover dividing decimals and multiplying fractions.

Our first quiz will be on Friday 9/14.  It will only cover lesson 1, adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals.


Extra Help

Extra help is given most days at the beginning of sixth period.   I am available most days but if a student asks me beforehand we can make sure that extra help is available.