Fourth Grade Orchestra

Welcome back to school and Orchestra!

Here are some suggestions for keeping up your skills on your instruments:

  • Try to play every day for at least 20 minutes.
  • Play the same time each day
  • In addition to orchestra music that might be performed for the Spring Concert, you will receive, via Google Classroom suggested playing assignments either in specific orchestra parts or in String Basics. Students who started in the 3rd Grade program (except cellos), continue in the Suzuki book onto the next pieces, Perpetual Motion, and the variation, then Allegretto. I will post videos for you to follow and listen to.
  • Please go to the interactive video for String Basics: it has the capability of recording your playing, streaming lessons, and there is a tuner on this Application. You will receive specific assignments using this. Try it, you'll have fun!
  • How to activate your String Basics interactive practice studio:

Download the software first: (the invite is on the bottom of the page) After it has been downloaded, enter the the license code on the inside back page of your book (starts with 115A-) follow the prompts for String Basics, book 1 There are icons to click on for the pages to be played, with or without the melody line and the ability to slow it down or speed it up. For tech support:

Join Remind, this is how I alert everybody to assignments and music happenings

Text: 81010, message-@boydorch4

Listen to, and play along with the pieces we are performing for the Spring Concert, May 12:

D String Boogie, by Michael Sweeney

Impulse, by Brian Balmages

May Song and Allegro, by Suzuki

Impulse V1.mp4

Remind: Please join for ongoing information

Text: 81010, message-@boydorch4

Safe Storage for your instrument:

Please make sure that your instrument is stored away from a heating/cooling source, and also far from any windows.

The safest place would be away from a traffic area, but readily accessible for daily practice!

Please take note of the lesson schedules

Reminds will be sent out periodically!

Wed Lessons 19-20
Thursday lessons 19-20