About Me

Megan LaFritz

I am a Criminal Justice and Human Service dual major at Elmira College, graduating in May. I have always been interested in photography and am the type of person that has to constantly be taking pictures or documenting the memories made. Before college, I thought it would be interesting and fun to take a photography class later in life to maybe have as a side job. During college, I was first introduced to the photography classes by taking a Term 3 Class called Crafting the Vision. That class was learning cameras and going on different field trips to learn more about the community and life through photography. After that class, I still wanted to do something more with photography and decided to take Photography 1.

Photography 1 taught me many different aspects of photography. From learning the film camera and being able to print in the dark room, to learning more about the digital cameras and digital photography, I appreciate taking pictures on my iPhone more now with the different features I am aware of. I also have a deeper inspiration for dark room photography because I have learned that it takes patience, something I do not always have. With the different levels of knowledge now created, I am inspired to keep photographing later in life, either for my own sake, or for other people who would like photography done for them.