About Mrs. Seiders

My Family Life

I am a very busy mom of two very active kiddos! My husband, Mike, is a very talented graphic designer. He owns his own company and works from home. My son, Jackson, is six years old and loves all things Cars, diggers, and soccer related. My daughter Quinn is five years old and loves music, dance, and being creative! She loves keeping up with her brother and doing whatever he is doing, as well as being wherever I am. 

I love reading! This summer I read 5 books. It was amazing! I love to cook, bake and entertain. I throw parties for my kids, trying very hard to be a Pintrest mom. My kids and I bake together for our neighbors quite often. They also love to be outside, so we are often out at parks, shooting hoops, playing soccer and so much more.

This summer, we started participating in swim team. I had no idea how much fun it was going to be for all of us! During the fall both my kids participate in soccer. In the spring my daughter does dance, and my son plays soccer. 

My Work Life

I have been teaching in Elmhurst school district for TWENTY years! I have no idea when that happened. I taught third grade for seven years, fifth and sixth for one year each, and this will be my eleventh year teaching REACH.

Teaching gifted and talented students is my passion. I truly loved being the REACH teacher at Fischer. I love working with students who want more and enjoy a challenge. I also like helping those who don't like a challenge, but need a challenge, learn to love a challenge. I believe all students should grow as learners and people. I enjoy our curriculum and the passionate discussions it evokes in our children. Meeting children where they are and guiding them to their highest level of achievement is what I am here to do! It is not always easy and sometimes a little bumpy, but it is incredibly rewarding for all.