4th Grade ELA

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Kid-Friendly Search Engines

All Safe Sites - Recommended for all age groups; Reviewed by Educators

Ask Kids  - Recommended for kids and teens

CyberSlueth Kids  - Recommended for Grades K-12

GoGooligans  - Recommended for Kids and Teens; Heavily Filtered

KidRex  - Recommended for Ages 6-12; Powered by Google and includes ads in the return along with excellent resources. Includes a Webpage Removal Tool to alert if inappropriate content is found. 

Kid Space  - Recommended for Elementary Students; Provided by the Internet Public Library

KidsClick!  - Recommended for Kids and Teens; Recommended by Librarians

Kindernet!  - Recommended for Ages 6-12

Quintura for Kids  - Recommended for Kids and Teens

Sea World  - Recommended for all ages; Information about animals

Wonderopolis - Kid friendly website with a new article each day

Themes in 4th Grade REACH ELA

Students who require further language arts enrichment, outside of that already provided in the classroom, may work with Mrs. Seiders in a pull-out group daily during acceleration time,10:30-11:00. Students will work on activities which correspond to the common core skills (at their grade level and above) using texts from Greek Mythology and Shakespeare.

In our first trimester, students will immerse themselves in Greek and Roman mythology, becoming familiar with the Olympians, reading some well-known myths such as "The Weaving Contest", and determining the characteristics of myth. After they become familiar with the basics, each student will delve deeper and "become" one of the Olympians. This research will culminate in a project that includes an oral presentation with a visual and written component. Students have always enjoyed this activity and I'm excited to see what they create and share with us!

After mythology, students will be introduced to the great poet and playwright, William Shakespeare. This will include research into his life and times and then exploration of his poetry, including sonnet reading and writing. We will read student versions of some of his classic plays, exploring his rich vocabulary and story conflicts. There are several connections between Shakespeare's plays and mythology that students will notice, too.