Self-Assessment - Complete in September

Teacher Self-Assessments

Identify which rubric you will be using. Typically, math teachers use the numeracy assessment, literacy teachers use the literacy rubric, and other groups use the universal rubric. They are very similiar in content; just a few small differences.

You will make a copy of the rubric, share it with your evaluator, and complete the self-assessment, identifying areas of strength and areas to focus growth.

TLS Self-Assessment

You will make a copy of the rubric, share it with your evaluator, and complete the self-assessment, identifying areas of strength and areas to focus growth.

Student Services Self-Assessments

Identify which rubric you will be using.

You will make a copy of the rubric, share it with your evaluator, and complete the self-assessment, identifying areas of strength and areas to focus growth.

Special Category Self-Assessments

You will make a copy of the rubric, share it with your evaluator, and complete the self-assessment, identifying areas of strength and areas to focus growth.

Nurse Self-Assessment

Librarian Evaluation Rubric

WCSEC Itinerant Teachers Self-Assessment

  • Self-Assess on all areas and select any of the four domains for evaluation focus with PPG.