Transition @ Lincoln

Preparing for Graduation:

  1. Each parent and student is given the ECASD Transition Survey to guide the school and family in preparing the student transitionally for each IEP year.
  2. The IEP team completes the transition grid determining needs of services and activities in three categories: Post-Secondary Education, Employment, and Independent Living.
  3. Senior year, students will participate in a Senior Staffing with their parents to discuss transition topics and prepare for life after high school (Topics include: Agency Involvement, Education & Training, Employment, Independent Living, Living Arrangements, Money Management, Medical, Transportation)
  4. OVR is invited to IEP meetings with parent permission to discuss career goals and service needs. With the help of a parent or guardian, the student completes the OVR Online Pre-Application.
  5. Students enrolled in Transition 1 & 2 complete a resume, job application, cover letter, mock interview, etc.
  6. Students have access to Transition Field Trips offered, related to their employment or post-secondary goals. These are posted on Google Classroom and shared with students, parents, and teachers.
  7. College Visits: Students has access to visiting post-secondary schools and field trips offered by the district to various post-secondary options.
  8. Students have the opportunity to participate in Community Based Vocational Training, PETS program, work based learning experience, or job shadowing
  9. District offers a Financial Aid Information Night and a FAFSA Completion Night.
  10. Scholarships are accessible for all families but information is also available in the Guidance Office.
  11. Students are encouraged to obtain a reference letter.