Timetable to support home learning

Welcome to your home learning pack. It has everything you need to help you with home learning this half term.

Each day you should try and do 5 activities with your child. They last between 5 minutes and 30 minutes so you can be flexible with your own day.

Everyday try and do 4 of the school activities in purple and choose 1 from the other activities in orange. Some of the purple activities are online and children have a log in to access their personalised activity. Some of these are on paper and are included in your pack. Our fun site has lots of activities that you can choose from for the orange activity. We recommend you have a look the day before so you can get organised if you need to!

The website address is https://sites.google.com/billesleyschool.co.uk/fun-learning/home

You may also find the some good SEND activities on this website which can help your child in specific areas.

An example schedule might look like this:

Each time you complete an activity, get a token! This will help you and your child keep track of what activities they have done. You may choose to give your child a reward like a sweet or some playtime on a computer / ipad if you want. Put the tokens on as they finish each activity like this...

At the end of your home learning day, send us a photo or quick message to let us know what you have been up to senco@billesleyschool.co.uk

We would love to see what you have been doing.

Then make yourself a nice cup of tea - you will have earned it!

Resources to print

Home learning schedule boards