Physical Education

Quarter 1 Classes

Soft Skills Rubric

Soft Skills Rubric - PE/Health

What's New in PE?

The high school PE department recently started using pedometers to monitor the activity levels of students in PE. Click here to read about what information the teachers can monitor by having students where pedometers during class.

Benefits of Using Pedometers

  • Daily step goals have encouraged the students to keep active during class. We even have kids jogging or dancing around before they upload data just to make sure they hit their target.
  • The intensity of fitness days, where kids do their own workouts, has increased as more kids are doing cardio-based activities to ensure they get more steps.
  • Accountability has improved. Students are aware that we can see how active or inactive they've been so they choose to move!
  • Classroom management is easy as we can quickly see who is present or absent based on which pedometers are not in use.