Family Resources

All families need support sometimes. On this page we have compiled a list of common resources that families may need. If you have any questions or have a resource that could be added to the list, please contact us!

Does your student need glasses? Let your student's school counselor know, and we can help! The local Moose Lodge Members provide us resources to make sure that all our students are able to see.


Food Resources

The Elk Mound School District partners with the Elk Mound Food Pantry at Shepard of the Hill Lutheran Church and Feed My People in Eau Claire to provide Mounder Meals to our students. Mounder Meals are weekend meals that include enough food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the weekend. If you're interested, let your school counselor know.

Ruby's Pantry is also a monthly option for our families and community members. Once a month, families can go to the Elk Mound High School parking lot, buy a share for $20, and fill their cars with groceries. Check out the Ruby's Pantry Facebook page to see the next date!

The Elk Mound Food Pantry is open on Tuesday's from 4:00pm-6:00pm and Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Shepard of the Hill Lutheran Church.

Internet connectivity problems can make so many different parts of life challenging. If you're having a hard time getting an internet speed that allows you and your student to get things done for school, let your school counselor know and we may be able to get you a hotspot. (A hotspot is a device that allows you access to faster internet.)

Internet Connection