Elite Hunter Programme

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Sales drives growth, boosts revenue, and keeps our business going. While our Sales team is the engine of our company, marketing is the fuel that keeps it running. In today’s world, we don’t only rely on our Sales and Marketing team to bring in leads. We’re all brand ambassadors and can be influential to the people we know, or the network we’re in. 

Elite Hunter programme is intended to encourage you to contribute to our ongoing success at Elite and be recognised and rewarded for being great at teamwork. You can help drive revenue and do work that makes you proud!


We’re all in sales! This programme is open to all non-sales employees who could provide leads to the Sales team.


How can you generate leads?

Social Media – use your personal social media account by sharing our content, leverage and monetise your network and refer our solutions to them.

Networking – when you are in a social setting, speak about what we do and ask if their company has any logistics-related issue that we can help solve.