My Research

Factors that benefit GBM


Genetics and Epidemiology

Glioblastomas develop due to mutations in genes that allow for conditions such as excessive growth and proliferation to occur. Few mutations are considered key features that lead to GBM, including EGFR, IDH1, MGMT, TP53, and NF1. It is considered one of the most common brain tumors with 12,000 cases diagnosed per year in the United States alone.

Brain parts involved and Pathology

Glioblastomas typically develop from glial cells which help maintain and strengthen neurons. These tumors can originate from other cancers that metastasized (secondary GBM) or they originate within glial cells themselves (primary or 'de novo'). Depending on the area the tumor proliferates in, it can inhibit the function of that area, and overall impacts the brain negatively due to taking excessive resources from other regions.

Tools for Research and Development

  • Cell Cultures

  • Animal models (Mice Models, GEMM)

  • Neuroimaging

Diagnosis, Screening and Prevention



MR Spectroscopy

Perfusion Weighted Imaging


Primary ("de novo") vs Secondary

proneural, mesenchymal, classical

Biomarkers :

  • IDH1 Mutation

  • MGMT Mutation

Disease Management:

Surgical Resection



Outlook and Future Direction

  • CAR-T Cell Therapy

  • IDH1 Vaccine

  • Artifical Neural Networks