Mounami Reddy Kayitha


I started my journey in neuroscience through my interest in genetics. While focusing on the molecule that dictates cell function, I slowly became interested in what controls the human body: the brain. As a result, I started to study the brain, learning about anatomy and cognitive functions like memory and learning.

My research project about Glioblastomas at Elio Academy helped me to really look at the intersection between the two fields I am fascinated by: neuroscience and oncology. I was able to look at how data analysis techniques and genetics play a role in the numerous diseases that can occur.

Images of My Interests

Goals for Life

In the future, I want to continue research into neuroscience and genetics. I also am interested in data science, so a research field that deals with a combination of these interests is what I hope to pursue.

Other Presentations/Publications

fMRIPrep Blog

Author: Mounami Reddy Kayitha

A blog page created by me (under Jahanikia Neuro Lab) detailing fMRIPrep (a neuroimaging tool) installation and usage

Cancer Workshop Gene-EGFR.pdf

EGFR Presentation

Author: Mounami Reddy Kayitha

Past presentation about EGFR and its role in cancer