ARISE Parents

The ARISE Parents group is a great way for parents / caregivers to become actively involved in school life. There are plenty of opportunities for involvement through prayer, assisting with school camps, transport for offsite school activities, helping with fundraising, sports teams, serving on the Board of Trustees, working bees and many more.

We welcome and greatly appreciate your help. All volunteers must have a police clearance. You may obtain forms from any of the school offices.

ARISE Parents Prayer

Each week, parents/caregivers gather to pray for the school. 

There is usually coffee, sometimes cake and always lots of chatter as they share prayer needs and praise reports. Staff and caregivers are invited to pass on anonymous prayer needs to the prayer group. It is the vision and desire of caregivers in the Prayer group, that every child be covered in prayer each day and that they have an opportunity to encounter God in a significant way along with a positive school experience. 

Please contact the campus school office for further information regarding days and times.