Summer Break 2019

It’s the end of another school year, and the beginning of summer. It’s another change for students, teachers, parents and probably even some grandparents. Change always brings a certain amount of anxiety. Some are anxious about upcoming vacations. Some are anxious about child care. Some are anxious about how to keep the children busy and learning throughout the summer. I’m anxious about getting the entire ‘to do’ list that I have completed before August 1st. I’m not a big gambler, but the odds are not in my favor as the list is just plain too long!

I’ve just finished up one of three conferences to attend. I have a mountain of books to read, both professional and recreational. I’d like to clean out many of the house closets as stuff keeps falling on me when I open them, and I know I have some items that I just can’t seem to find. They have to be here somewhere. I also have hundreds of pictures to sort through and put into albums and frames. I also want to spend some time with family and friends. I love going to the ball parks to watch the grandchildren. I am also looking forward to a dance recital, a musical theater experience, and a special wedding. I also want to do some traveling, and I definitely want to take a nap or two.

Yes, the list does appear a bit long for the time I have. So, I will prioritize and enjoy as much as I can. I encourage everyone to do the same. I believe that relatives, friends, rest, relaxation, and revitalization will probably trump the closets, but there is hope. I’ve also attached a list from Choose To Be Nice to add to your summer lists.

Enjoy the season!