May Blog

Re-energize yourself

As we start into the summer I think it’s important to look at ways to re-energize ourselves. I know that I need to after my first year as an AD. It was a great, challenging, and at times stressful year. I find that right now I need a recharge. Below are some ways to recharge yourself. For myself, my pending trip to Hawaii is going to go a long way to recharging me. Credit for that goes to my wife. Below are some other ways to re-energize I picked up in an article by Erika Andersen titled “Staying Energized No Matter What”

1. Be kind to your body – Eat right, sleep properly. I am a big believer that we are causing our own problems with what we eat and our lack of sleep which can be a problem for me.

2. Practice “good mental hygiene” – Stay away from negative thinking. How we respo0nd to tough situations creates either a positive or negative thought process. Look at it as a challenge to be overcome and not an obstacle to hold you back.

3. Cultivate supporters – Look for those that bring you joy and support and lean on them in tough times

4. Find time for pleasure – Did I say I was going to Hawaii? It doesn’t have to be something that big and can just be a good meal and company

5. Limit Complaining / Be Grateful – Nobody wants to around complainers. We all do it on occasion and its much more useful to be grateful for what we do have than not. Better for your mindset too.

6. Rest your brain – Find time to just be. Meditate, clear your head, take a brain break. This often just resets you mentally and physically. Take deep breathes and reset yourself

7. Give of yourself – It is a proven fact that when we give we feel better about ourselves and the world. Volunteer, give gifts, give thanks it will make you feel better.

I hope this summer gets you re-energized for next year, and this article helps you recharge for next year. Hang loose and I will see you when I get back from my re-charging in Hawaii.