April Blog

Remembering Your Why?

As I Finish up my first year as AD, I look back at the ups and downs, challenges, and victories that the year has brought. Some days I wondered why I took on this challenge. Some days I woke up ready to roll. Most days I just accepted the challenge and got to work.

I read an article about Educational Burnout by Baruti K Kafele, and he talked about not forgetting your “Why”. He reminded himself that he was a difference maker in their lives. We give them hope and make them believe in themselves. Educators come into education with a big “WHY”. Why did you get into education? We all know it wasn’t to get rich and have your summers off. Well actually summers are great whether you are in education or not but I digress.

I got into education to teach, coach, and give the kids the same kind of educational experience I had in middle school and High school. I enjoyed middle school and high school. I had great teachers, coaches, and administrators. They helped guide me and provided me with the structure to become successful. I have tried in my career to provide that same kind of guidance, mentorship, and support to my students, players and coaches. That is my “Why”.

When things get tough during the school year got back to the “why” of your younger self. That idealistic person had great ideas and values. We need to never forget those and pair them with the challenges that face us daily in the classroom and the school. We all get squeezed and frustrated during our educational careers. Hang on that Why!