
August Blog

The 2017-18 school year is the start of my 30th year in education. I guess I can call that a milestone in my career. I know that there are many people that have been in this great career as long or longer than I, so maybe this will bring back some memories. Those of you with less experience, my goal is not to tell you about the “good ole days” or to say that “I walked five miles uphill both ways to get to work” and you have it so easy. I just want to reflect on changes I have witnessed in the last 30 years.

Google makes my memory so much better. I googled inventions “from 1987 to present”. I am amazed at the what has happened since I started teaching. Think where we would be without someone thinking outside the box and creating, taking a risk, making a mistake.

I realize that all of these inventions had various amounts of impact on education and society in general. I also realize just because I found something on the internet does not make it the “TRUTH”.

What this list does make me realize is this. When I first started teaching, I had students that now have jobs as adults that did not exist when they were in my classes. This is true of current students, we have no idea what jobs will exist in 20 years. Also the next time I say something like, “I did not need that when I was in school”, or “Back in the day” I will realize that what worked 30, 20, 10 or even 5 years ago may not be applicable to today. When I reflect, I am not looking in the rearview mirror to think, “How great that time was!” I do have some great memories, but I reflect to learn and improve for the future.

My challenge to readers, look at this or make your own list from the day you started your job, career or whatever and see what has changed. Then look in the mirror and see if you have as well.