Library Apprentice Program

The Library Apprentice Program is a program that allows our fourth grade students to work in the Media Center while learning important job skills--communication, teamwork, time management, leadership. 

To become a member of the Library Crew, a student must fill out he application, get a parent's permission, and get two teacher references. 

All applications are graded by a rubric. He or she will earn 0 to 3 points for each portion of the application process (based on how well they completed each portion). 

2018-2019 Crew

2021-20122 Library Gnomies

ApplicationForLibraryAssistantsIncludesTeacherRecommendationForm (1).pdf

If interested in becoming a member of the Library Crew, click the file, print, fill out, and submit to Mrs. Wood in the Media Center.  

If you do not wish to complete the paper copy of the application, please click the form to the left to submit your online application. 

In addition to your submission of the online form, 

You MUST ask 2 teachers to complete the reference form on your behalf. 

Teacher Reference Form 

You must have your homeroom teacher to complete the assurance form below. 

Homeroom Teacher Assurance Form 

You must have an administrator to complete the assurance for below. 

Administrator Assurance Form