In Baccalaureate we place the student at the centre of all our activities. Our main objective is to educate them in a consolidated curriculum of academic excellence which is constantly updated and led by an expert team of teachers who work in an efficient, coordinated and, above all, motivated manner.

The experience of fifteen graduating classes who have already passed through our school is our guarantee: we know that our students' success is based on having access to the best teachers and a baccalaureate programme suited to their vocation and abilities. All of this is accompanied by close tutoring and based on trust between pupil-family-teachers.

It is essential that, given the world we live in, the guidance our pupils receive is precise and accurate so that, in due course, they are all clear about their objectives and the path to follow.

Ours is a baccalaureate of academic excellence which opens doors to the university world in the best possible way, especially providing our pupils with a high level of knowledge in languages (English, French, German and Chinese).


Our students can choose to follow any of the following itineraries of the national Baccalaureate: Science & Technology, Humanities & Social Sciences or Artistic. Each flexible itinerary can be adapted to suit the student's needs. Alternatively, they have the option of taking the American High School Diploma or the International A-Levels.


We have collaborative links with different national and international universities that allow students to enjoy experiences and benefit from contacts who can help them better understand their options for further studies: we offer them workshops and seminars so that they can not only learn, but even see inside the world of the university they may choose later on.

In addition to the universities, former students who are already in the job market, professionals from different sectors and teachers from our centre form the backbone of our orientation programme, a key element for any student of baccalaureate age.