

Objective: Create and use breakout rooms, use whiteboard, share screen.

Activity Read the following “article

Step 1 Share screen video

Step 2 Whiteboard video

Step 3 Breakout rooms video

Assessment: Using screencastify show how you can

1 start a zoom call,

2 share your screen,

3 open the whiteboard and

4 copy and paste a piece of text there that students can annotate

If possible...Invite at least 2 friends to your zoom room and break into at least two zoom rooms. Visit each.


Objective: Use Jamboard (google whiteboard), polls, sharing multiple screens


Step 1 Jamboard video

Step 2 Sharing multiple screens (students) video

Step 3 Polling video


Use screencastify to show:

1 Create a jamboard and share it with your admin share screen to show it on zoom

2 make a poll and publish it in zoom

3 Invite some friends and let them share screens.