
Nearpod 101

Objective: Explain the need for engagement in online learning, describe how Nearpod can engage students.


Step 1: Read the article student engagement and Nearpod. What is exciting to you about Nearpod? What worries you?

Step 2: Complete the activity to learn more

What is Nearpod (Nearpod on Nearpod) Click here to go through a Nearpod presentation about the tools in Nearpod

Step 3: Play in Nearpod

Create an account.

Find premade lessons on your standards and edit it to make it your own.

Nearpod 201

Objective: Create lessons in Nearpod, view student reports


Step 1: Select one of the videos to watch and respond:

Top ten reasons to use Nearpod

Middle school uses video

What is a reason you would give a colleague to get them excited about Nearpod.

Step 2: Watch this how to video on making your own Nearpod lessons

Video Add your own lessons example

*include 5 activities

Video Using slides example

Make it in Nearpod

Step 3: Watch this how to video on how to view reports