Advanced Placement

College Board Website: 

What is Advanced Placement (AP)?

“Advanced Placement” (AP) is a program of college-level courses offered PGHS.  Courses are available in many subject areas, including English, history, humanities, languages, math, psychology, and science. The focus is not on memorizing facts and figures. It's on engaging discussions, approaching and solving problems together, and learning to write well. You'll get to study fascinating topics and ideas. Who knows? One (or more!) might just become the foundation of your future college major or career.

AP Potential Presentation (1)

What are the benefits of taking AP courses?

Who can participate in the Honors/AP Program at Pleasant Grove High School?

All students at Pleasant Grove High School may participate in any AP and Honors courses of their choosing.  Participation is based on a student's individual motivation and drive to meet the academic standards of the program.                            

Honors/AP classes are very demanding in terms of time and effort; if students are considering taking more than three Honors/AP classes next year, they are advised to consult with their counselor before doing so.

How do students enroll in Honors and AP classes?

Just sign up during course selection! Some AP classes have prerequisites but most do not. You can check if a class has a prerequisite by looking in the course catalog. Some courses also offer summer enrichment work.

Students who enroll in AP classes are expected to take the AP exams in May.  The commitment to Honors/AP classes is for the entire academic year.