Honor Points/Hours/GSPS

Master List of Community Service (Winter/Spring)

hours/points opportunities

All NHS members must maintain a minimum of 30 (subject to change) honor points each semester. Honor points can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Wear NHS or LCHS Spirit Wear on Club meeting days

  • Attend meetings (or obtain an excusal form)

  • Attend service events

  • Participate in a GSP

All NHS members must maintain a minimum of 10 hours each semester. Community service is counted as any act done without a form of compensation. Check the slides for some community service opportunities!

NHS GSP form


To earn a cord for graduation, you must complete a GSP by your senior year. You can come up with your own project or do one of the ones offered throughout the year at our meetings. You can have a partner. You MUST show leadership skills through this project. See Sr. Oseguera, Mrs. Lopez or any officer if you have questions.

Activity Excusal Form.pdf

Activity Excusal Form

This form needs to be completed and turned in to your house officer BEFORE extended absences for sports/tutoring/etc. (except for the first meeting which you can still turn in the form for!) This form is also available during weekly meetings, in the CAS lounge or in D-206. You can also print from here.