Return to School

School Re-Entry Plan

The 2021-2022 EGF ISD 595 Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan was approved by the Board of Education on Monday, August 23, 2021 and revised on September 14, 2021 and December 8, 2021. You can access the Plan by going to the EGF ISD 595 Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan

Please take a little time to read the PLAN and reach out to district leaders if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Questions can be submitted for review by going to the 2021-22 Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan Public Comment and Input Google Form. District leaders will read through the questions and comments and make them available for all the view. Latest Survey Results

THANK YOU for all of your efforts! It is going to take a real TEAM effort to make the 2021-22 school year a success and I am thankful for my teammates!

Mike Kolness