Invited Talks
Building Terrestrial Quantum Networks - Progress and Challenges, IEEE ANTS, IIT Guwahati, 16 Dec'24
Building Terrestrial Quantum Networks - from MAQAN to QuILA, Photonics2024, IIT KGP, 13 Dec'24
Quantum Summit, India Mobile Congress, 17th Oct'24
Quantum Tech in the National Quantum Mission, KSTA, 12 Aug'24
Quantum Computing Applications, Standard Chartered, Oct’23
Photonic Integrated Circuits: Technology and Application, 5th Jul'24
Translating Quantum Tech, IITMACB, 22 Jul'23
Translating Quantum Tech, TiE Matrix, Bengaluru, 8 Jun'23
Driving Spin Wave Ring Oscillators near Dipole Gaps, ISQI, Poznan, 20 Apr'23
Solving QUBOs on Ising Machines, ARTIC – Advanced Research and Technology Innovation Centre, NUS, 25 Oct'22
Empowering thro' Assistive Devices, Natl. Webinar on AAC and ISL, AIISH Mysuru, 22 Sept. 2022
Deep Dive Training on Quantum Computing & Communication, CDAC Bengaluru, 27 Jun 2022
Space Quantum Frontiers, SAC Ahmedabad, 19 May 2022
Public Key Infrastructure and Applications, 22 Dec 2021
IEEE IISc SigComm Tutorial: Practical Quantum Communications, 4 Sept 2021
OSA Advanced Congress: Building Quantum Networks, 29 July 2021
ATAL FDP, IIIT Dharwad: Quantum Technology & Applications, 19 July 2021
IITM Research Park: R&D to Commercialization: Quantum Technology & Applications, 7 July 2021
ATAL FDP, BIT Mesra, Ranchi: Understanding Quantum Hardware, 23 June 2021
IITMAA Guru Talks: Quantum Technology & Applications, 16 June 2021
Modulating photons for Quantum Secure Communications: National Symposium on Instrumentation (NS42), Dehradun, 29th Dec 2020
Building Indian Quantum Networks: Translating Science to Engineering, IEEE ANTS Workshop on Quantum Computing and Communications, 15th Dec 2020
AAC Beyond Classrooms, Assistive Devices from Prototype to Product, 5th Dec 2020
GYANOTSAVA: CRL TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM 2020, Quantum ICT - Translating quantum science to technology, 9th Nov, 2020.
Workshop, IIITDM Kurnool: Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications, 31st Oct 2020
Guest Lecture, Military College of Technology, Pune, Application and Need of Quantum Technology , 26th Oct, 2020
Webinar on Quantum Comm: Challenges and Opportunities in building the Quantum Internet, 19th Sep 2020
Panel Discussion
Panel on Security and Privacy, TSDSI, 17th July
ACM India -TCS Joint Research Webinar on Quantum Computing, 29th Sept'22
Mapping the future of Technology, IBM Think on Tour, Mumbai, 14th Sept'22
Quantum Networks, OSA Advanced Congress, 29 July'21
Assistive Technology Ecosystem in India, Conclave on Assistive Technologies and Divyangjan, 23rd Dec'20. India International Science Festival