Vammalan lukio has had a lot of international co-operation funded by the EU since 1998. Our current ongoing Erasmus+ project is titled ”Young people in Europe today”

Academic year 2022-23

For the year 2022-23 the project includes three schools from three project countries:  Otto-Hahn Gymnasium (from Ostfildern, Germany), Vammalan lukio (from Sastamala, Finland) and IES Comarcal (from Burjassot, Spain). The aim of the project is to focus on changes, challenges and future ideas shared by young people regardless of their country of origin while promoting project management and implementation skills as well as team work skills of the participating students. This will be achieved via having students carry out project work together with video and photo documentation of their work.

The project also offers the students a chance to get to know young people from different cultures, work together using foreign languages and online learning platforms, learn more about life in project schools and countries and present information from their own schools, countries and cultures.

In addition to this, the students participating in the project at Vammalan lukio will receive course credit for their work on the project.

Academic year 2023-24

For the year 2022-23 the project  will include five schools from five project countries:  Otto-Hahn Gymnasium (from Ostfildern, Germany), Vammalan lukio (from Sastamala, Finland) and IES Comarcal (from Burjassot, Spain) and newcomers, ITIS "S. Cannizzaro Rho" (from Milan, Italy) and Gymnázium Zlín (from Zlín, the Czech Republic). The aim of the project is to focus on changes, challenges and future ideas shared by young people regardless of their country of origin while promoting project management and implementation skills as well as team work skills of the participating students. This will be achieved via having students carry out project work together with video and photo documentation of their work.

The project also offers the students a chance to get to know young people from different cultures, work together using foreign languages and online learning platforms, learn more about life in project schools and countries and present information from their own schools, countries and cultures.

In addition to this, the students participating in the project at Vammalan lukio will receive course credit for their work on the project.

Academic year 2024-25

For the year 2024-25 the project  will continue with the same five schools from five project countries as earlier:  Otto-Hahn Gymnasium (from Ostfildern, Germany), Vammalan lukio (from Sastamala, Finland) and IES Comarcal (from Burjassot, Spain) and newcomers, ITIS "S. Cannizzaro Rho" (from Milan, Italy) and Gymnázium Zlín (from Zlín, the Czech Republic). The aim of the project is to focus on changes, challenges and future ideas shared by young people regardless of their country of origin while promoting project management and implementation skills as well as team work skills of the participating students. This will be achieved via having students carry out project work together with video and photo documentation of their work.

The project also offers the students a chance to get to know young people from different cultures, work together using foreign languages and online learning platforms, learn more about life in project schools and countries and present information from their own schools, countries and cultures. The project visits during this year will be as follows: Burjassot between 10 - 16 November 2024 and Zlín between 30 March - 5 April 2025.

In addition to this, the students participating in the project at Vammalan lukio will receive course credit for their work on the project.

Academic year 2025-26

For the year 2024-25 the project  will continue with the four schools from four project countries:  Otto-Hahn Gymnasium (from Ostfildern, Germany), Vammalan lukio (from Sastamala, Finland) and IES Comarcal (from Burjassot, Spain) and Gymnázium Zlín (from Zlín, the Czech Republic). The aim of the project is to focus on changes, challenges and future ideas shared by young people regardless of their country of origin while promoting project management and implementation skills as well as team work skills of the participating students. This will be achieved via having students carry out project work together with video and photo documentation of their work.

The project also offers the students a chance to get to know young people from different cultures, work together using foreign languages and online learning platforms, learn more bout life in project schools and countries and present information from their own schools, countries and cultures. The project visits during this year will be as follows:  Germany 23-29 November and Finland in late January.

In addition to this, the students participating in the project at Vammalan lukio will receive course credit for their work on the project.

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