
Dr Michael Carr- Gregg is one of Australia's highest profile psychologists. The NEVR team have organised a series of webinars for senior students so they may be able to find strategies to help them with their mental health and wellbeing. These sessions will be recorded and uploaded here once they've been presented.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to access a flyer for distribution.

All recordings for Michael Carr Gregg's webinars are available via the following links 1,2,3,4,5 & 6

1. Mental Wellness

Proactive and practical approaches to maintaining and improving your mental wellbeing

· The wellbeing spectrum

· Bucket fillers and emptiers

o Mood Foods

o Exercise

o Sleep Hygiene - daily rhythms

o Relational wellbeing

Friday 21st August


Recording available here

2. Call for Calmness

Understanding and practicing ways to achieve calmness in your life as an antidote to VCE stressors

· Doses of anxiety- the goldilocks principle

· Peak performance

· Benefits of practiced relaxation and mindfulness

Friday 28th August


Recording Available now

3. Thoughtful Solutions

Exploring common Thinking Traps that can lead to negative patterns of thinking and learning practical strategies to manage them

· Informed not obsessed - alert not alarmed

· Locus of control

· Circuit breakers and distractions

· Realism/optimism

· Dealing with uncertainty, fear, disappointment

Friday 4th September

13:00- 13:30

Recording Available now

Michael Carr- Gregg will be producing fact sheets to accompany each webinar, please download below.

fact sheet 1.pdf
Fact sheet 2.pdf
Fact sheet 3.pdf

4. Digging Deep

Identifying your personal motivators to maintain the effort required to achieve your short- and long-term goals for both VCE and VCAL

· The nature of grit and resilience- effort matters

· Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators- what works for you?

· Recreating routines

· Motivational tools - e.g. mantras, quotes hero's

· Adjusting your narrative - short and long game plans

Friday 11th September

13:00- 13:30

Recording Available Now

5. Virtual Connectedness

Finding creative, innovative and unique solutions to bring us together.

· Reimagining VCE

· Online study-social groups

· Reaching out to others

· Gratitude, compassion and acts of kindness

Friday 18th September

13:00- 13:30

Recording Available Now

6. On the Horizon

Looking through both a realistic and optimistic lens to a positive future with new knowledge, thinking and skills

· The skilled, connected and informed generation

· Reasons for hope and optimism

· From adversity comes opportunity

Friday 9th October

13:00- 13:30

WebEx: Link

Session Password: NEVR

Register - name and email required

The Wellbeing Webinar Series for VCE Students 2.docx

Word document that can be shared with your students

All recordings for VCE Leader Meeting webinars are available via the following link.

VCE Leader Meeting 29: Tertiary Institute Pathway Presentations

Recordings and PowerPoint slides of the Tertiary Institute Pathways Presentation - course selection processes and available supports for Year 12 students over the Dec/Jan period.

Thursday 3rd December

Recording Available Now

Monash University 2020-21 Change of Preference

Recording of Julie Baxter from Monash University presenting the offerings and opportunities for Year 12 students.

Friday 4th December

Recording Available Now